Chapter 3∞♡

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Monty Pov:

"Hey man" I say as I tap on Constantine's shoulder. He turns around and smiles "Hey what's up?". I drew my fist to his face "Don't you dare touch or talk to Naz ever again". "Woah woah! Why?" He chuckled lifting his hands. "He's mine! And only mine!" I say. My fist made contact with his face leaving a mark. I slowly walked back to my desk ignoring what had just happened.
"Damn Monty, why did you do that?" Zenzo said. "It'll teach him a lesson" I say sitting down. I look over at Naz, he didn't look alright. "Are you okay?" I asked. He nodded slowly.

Naz Pov:

The lunch table was rather quiet than usual. No one spoke just stares at one another.
"So-" "Did you really have to ruin the silence" Konev interrupted Teddy. "Jeez Konev can't you be more nicer?" Zenzo said as he playfully hit Konev. "I think I might leave Monty" i say. "What?!" They all say in unison. "I don't know! Part of me wants to but at the same time not!" I put my head on the table. I really shouldn't judge Monty on how he acted today in class. We've only been together for a few days, but if it's going to be like this I don't want to know how it's gonna be later.

*Time skip cus ur author is lazy again*

As I got home I dropped my bag on the floor. Maybe taking a bath will relieve the stress. I quickly set up my bath, filling the tub to a good amount of water along with the soap. I dipped my feet in before submerging myself into it.

The smell of roses



I close my eyes.


Ok so no peace anymore. I reach for my phone to check who it was. Monty.

Hey bb
Sorry about what happened in class

It's fine dw about it

I just wanted him to learn that's all

Ah okay

I placed my phone down. I lied. Oh well. Back to my peace.




Or not.

I check my phone again. This time it was the group chat. I was not going to check it. It could be one of two things, One Teddy's rants and Knoev bullying her about it or two Zenzo and Konev flirting. Either way I'm not interested.

20 minutes later..

As I switched into more comfortable clothing I received a call. Who could be calling me?

"Hello?" I say. "Hey love, can I stay over tonight? I'm kinda in a situation?" It was Monty, however there was no caller ID. "Uhh yeah? What happened to your phone" i ask. He chuckled "Oh. Well um you see.. long story". Silence. "Well I'll see you in a few hours bye love you!" He said before hanging up.

*I kid you not I'm tired another time skip*

It was getting pretty late and no call from Monty. Maybe he forgot and he's sleeping. I sigh and turn my night light off as I plug my phone in. A knock on my widow then made me jump. I look over at the window, there he was.

I open the window and let him in "You scared me" I say. "Sorry love" he said. "Let's head to sleep shall we?" He smiled as he pulled me into a hug. I nodded.

We lay under the covers as he cuddles with me. "I love you. Goodnight" he said. "I love you too" i smile. As i leaned against his chest and eventually fell asleep.

Author's Note:

I know y'all missed me :)
Anyways it's short cus it's 11:28pm and I'm tired (not going back to check spelling mistakes sorry). I was working on my fanfic and i sow this on my drafts and i was like "oh no i haven't updated since like idk" so heres a chapter yw. Like i think i once said i don't have the whole story written out already, i make it up on the spot randomly. Also reminder that this book is only gonna be 10-12 chapters long cus I'm lazy
Also reminder it's ment to be cringe
Ok bye
*I promise I'll make the next one longer ;)*
♡(> ਊ <)♡

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Also if y'all have any like suggestions you can comment them lol or dm me

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