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Y/n had just moved to LA. It was the middle of the summer so you still had time to settle into the house and get to know the area. Your family was pretty rich so you had a pretty big house. Next thing you knew school was starting in 3 weeks. You had already been finished unpacking and were pretty comfortable around the house. You only knew a few people and rarely ever went out. 3 weeks roll by in a flash.

It's the first day of school and you decide to hang out with the few people you knew. You went to your locker and started putting your books and journals in. You notice a group of girls staring at you from across the hall. You stare back for a couple seconds and then turn back to your locker. Your friend Mia comes up to you and hands you your paper with your schedule on it. You realize you have a few classes with Mia which you weren't complaining about. You hear the bell ring and start following Mia to your guys first class.

You enter the room and notice 2 girls from the group earlier are sitting in the back. You and Mia sit in the back corner. You and Mia didn't really pay attention in the class because it was just introductions since it was the first day. You and Mia were laughing and whispering to each other the whole class.

*time skip*

it's lunch time and you and Mia go sit with the other people you knew. You decided to go to the bathroom and you noticed one of the popular girls were in there. She stops you and starts up a conversation. " hey do I know you?" She says. " probably not I'm new I'm y/n" " nice to meet you y/n my names Olivia. Do you want to come sit with me and my friends?" " sure". you head back to the lunch room and go up to Mia and tell her your gonna be sitting with Olivia.

You head over to Olivia's table and sit next to her. You look around and notice it the girls who were staring at you earlier. They start introducing themselves. You notice to this one girl and you start a conversation with her. "Hi I'm y/n" "Hey I'm Jenna" " Jenna I like that name anyways how are you" " I'm good what about you?" "I'm good thanks for asking"

she's all i want (Jenna Ortega x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now