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You go grab blankets for you and Jenna because Mia brought her own blanket. Your bed was very big so it fit all 3 of you. You were laying in between Mia and Jenna and felt someone wrap their arms around you and dig their head into your chest. You look down and see Jenna sleeping clearly having a nightmare so you wrap you arms around her as well and started snuggling her. Mia was still awake and clearly didn't like that you were cuddling with Jenna. Mia waited for you to fall asleep to leave your house.

You woke up to Jenna still sleeping with her arms still wrapped around you. You turn your head just enough to see behind you and realize that Mia isn't there and you don't see her stuff. You reached over to your phone moving only slightly trying not to wake Jenna up.

You grabbed your phone and texted Mia asking where she went. She left you on delivered for a long time it was obvious she was pissed off at you. About 15 minutes pass and you notice Jenna slowly opening her eyes. You smile at her and she smiles back. "Do you want me to make you breakfast?" You asked softly " yes please and you don't have to make it all fancy." " I won't what do you what to eat" "whatever you have I'm not picky" " ok well u kinda have to let go of me if you want me to make you food" " 5 more minute" you start blushing but the room still kinda dim so you can't notice it.

5 minutes pass and she finally lets go so you head downstairs and make her breakfast you don't usually eat breakfast so you only made 2 pancakes and some egg and bacon. She comes downstairs in a pair of your sweatpants and your hoodie. You don't say anything about it because you like that she's stealing your clothes. She walks over to you and hugs you thanking you for making her food. She finishes eating and you guys head over to the couch and she sits right next to you and interlocks her hand with yours.

You turn away and blush for a minute you turn back towards her and ask if she want to watch a movie "sure" " ok Aladdin or lion king" "Aladdin" "ok". You put on Aladdin and turn off the lights you then get to the part where Aladdin meets jasmine.

You turn towards Jenna and you guys interlock eyes you start to admire her features. You want to lean in so bad but then she starts to lean in but your then interrupted by the sound of the front door opening. You both turn around quickly backing away from each other. It's Mia and she looks like she's about to flip.

she's all i want (Jenna Ortega x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now