🌙Vanny... chapter 13☀️ im back!!

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Moon: " no... No...NO!!"
???: "oh you little robot~"
Moon:" Why she was my...our everything..."
Sun & moon: "HOW DARE YOU!!"
S & M's POV
She has to be ok we Like.... Love her!..."
S &M: " Vanny... if you hurt Y/n we will... K-KILLll Y-OUu!!"
Vanny: "oh~ to late for that~"
She says as you look up at s & m and see clear horror in there face
S&M:"y/n.... Your hurt??!!"
Vanny:" one more step she dies. Im I clear?~"
Y/n:"Sunny moon...."
Vanny: " well if they help you sweet y/n~ they will get to see me rip you to pieces~"
S&M get so mad they run before Vanny could move and throw her to the wall knocking her out
Y/n: " you guys.."
S&M :" we won't let her hurt you... ok y/n??..."
Y/n: "ok..."
Y/n: " is she dead...?"
Moon: "no she just knocked out for a few hours..."
So so so so so so so so sorry for a longggg wait! I was so busy with school Ty for all your love! And sorry this was short! I have been up till 2:31 am each night so im going to bed early to get some zzzs! Love y'all!
212 words

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