Chapter 23 - Exposed

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Inside the temple, the wounded were brought into a large side chamber which had been readied for them. One had to pass through it to get to the small room at the end prepared for Lady Shuang. She would be well guarded there even with injured Elites outside her room.

Nuns bustled about serving hot food and tea to the survivors. The simple refreshments were very welcomed after their perilous escape in the cold winter air. Their head long flight from danger had taken a toll on them.

The religious sisters also tended to the survivors, bringing medical supplies, bandages, clean cloth and warm water. More than a few Elites needed stitches. The temple guards helped by bringing in more firewood and lighting extra braziers for the half frozen guests.

The nuns spoke in soft respectful tones.

"Place it over here, please."

"O'kay, sister. Let us know if you need anything else."

"Thank you. Peace be with you."

"And to you sister. I'll bring some more water."

Even the temple guards spoke in low hushed voices, but they did so more out of respect to the Moon Goddess and the sisters who worshiped her.

Vice-Captain Xin checked his men for casualties. He had made his rounds to ascertain the extent of injuries his Elites had sustained whilst boosting morale. So far, he counted two Elites dead and lost, and the rest wounded in varying degrees. One horse missing, presumably dead or tied up securely unable to escape or respond to its master's summons as it was trained to do.

Lady Shuang's two bodyguards were also wounded. Luckily, the three ladies were a little bruised and shaken up but unharmed.

The temple guards had promised to retrieve his men's bodies from the road at his request. The rebels would not harm them. After all, the Moon Goddess temple did not only spread their teachings of love and peace but also did charitable works and distributed food to the needy which included them.

Xin glanced at Ghost. The young bodyguard had finally passed out. So much for his bravado, thought the Vice-Captain grimly.

The boy was sitting alone on the floor with his back against the wall. He did not want to dirty the furnishings, he said indicating his bloody hands. He had insisted the nuns tend to the Elites and Key first as they were worse off than him. He could wait his turn, all he needed was rest.

Earlier, Ghost had hovered anxiously over Key when the arrow was being removed from his partner's leg. He had stayed by Key's side ignoring his own injuries. He knew that the Three would only allow the Healers to operate on him if another member of the Dark Sect was there. The elder Shard would not have taken a chance with strangers.

Ghost watched as the Healers worked on Key, carefully widening the cut to ease the arrow out. Sterilizing a pair of slim pliers over a flame, they had inserted and managed to pull out the arrow head whole. Then they washed the wound and cauterized it. The Three had screamed but it had to be done. It would be no good if his wound got infected later.

When Key's injury had been bounded and the bodyguard medicated with a pain relieving broth, he relaxed. Only then did Ghost lower himself down onto the floor near his friend to rest. Xin noted that he chose a position which gave him a direct view of Shuang's door.

When Ghost lost consciousness, Key turned his head so that he was facing his friend. He also had a clear view of the lady's chambers. The bodyguard's subtle move told Xin that Key had effectively taken over guard duty from his partner. Although he was laying down, he could and would probably get up if the situation warranted it. At the very least, he would be able give warning and alert Ghost.

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