Want him alive

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“She has been staying with your brother. Also a few people keep guarding them.” One of Rafael’s men informed and he nodded his head while having his drink.

“Staying with him.” Rafael gritted pressing his glass hard.

“Sir, what do we do now? Should we prepare for attack?”

Rafael kept quiet as he didn’t understand what to do. He knew even if they attack on them directly, there might be chances of their escape again and also, he was aware of Marcos and his brother’s capability.

He tapped his fingers on the glass thinking deeply. He waved his hand to his guard, signalling him to leave. He continued his drink, thinking of Rose and his brother.

“You got scratch on your hand.” Rose shouted making a worried face while looking at Michael, who fell down from bike during his race practice.

“It’s just a scratch. Calm down, Rose.” He smiled.

“We... we need to go to hospital.” She spoke while touching his hand, gently.

“No need. You are worrying so much. Your kiss is enough to heal it.” He smirked playfully.

“Shut up!” she yelled while blushing a little.

Michael brought his face closer to her, shutting his eyes, waiting to receive his kiss but he got a slap from her that made him open his eyes.

“Stop it, Michael. Let’s go.” When she was about to step away, Michael held her hand stopping her.

“Not unless I get my kiss.” He pouted while caging her in between his arms. She looked around and kissed his cheek, blushing then ran away from there, laughing.

Recalling it, Rafael’s jaw clenched. He was there at that moment, watching them having their fun. Seeing his brother getting the care and affection which he always lacked and wanted, his jealousy and anger on him worsened. All his life, he spent as an ill-fated with no touch of care or affection. He always envied his brother and seeing the woman’s love, he couldn’t control himself but little did he knew his brother had to move the mountains to get the love from that woman. He wanted to get the care, the affection and the love from Rose and he decided to go for any length to have it and to destroy his brother.

“Little brother! I don’t want to kill you, not atleast now. But you are making it hard. You are making me think about your death.” Rafael gritted gulping down his drink.

He stood from there to reach his bedroom but the sudden arrival of Stanley stopped him from moving.

“You?” Rafael narrowed his eyebrows, confused. “Am I dreaming?” he scoffed as he couldn’t believe his father came to his place to see him.

Stanley sat on the couch without replying his son. He stared at Rafael, asking him to take the seat next to him.

“What do you want?” Rafael asked, doubting his father. He knew his father well, without any need, he wouldn’t come to him.

Stanley said “I don’t want you to fight with Michael. I’m here to talk about this.”

Rafael let out a sarcastic smile hearing him. He took his drink glass in his hand again to take a sip. “It’s not your business. It’s my personal issue.”

“Stop being dramatic always.” Stanley scoffed. “One way or other, he is your brother. You cannot do anything to him.”

“I can and I will.” Rafael put the glass on the table, making the drink spill out of the glass a little. “He broke my marriage. How can you expect I will forgive someone, who took away my fiancée? She is mine.”

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