Fading Into the Moon

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The breeze swept my hair back swirling through the loose curls and pressed back my dress as i looked over the side of the rocky cliff. I took a step forward. Another. And another. Letting my hands drop to my side i gripped the soft fabric of my white gown taking a deep breath, lifting my face to meet the light of the moon and let the wind chill the tip of my nose. I closed my eyes and lifted my hands high over my head reveling in the perfect moment. I could hear the wind brushing the tall pines and the grass that reached past my knees swayed to and fro as if dancing to a sweet melody. I let out a humorless laugh as i brushed off my white slippers and stepped so that my toes curled around the edge of the cliff. I dared to look down and saw the waves brewing. It was beautiful, the sound of strong waves crashing against the heavy boulders echoed through the sky. Finally i took one last long, sweet, deep breath. and Smiled, as i let myself slip over the edge. 

You know how right before you die you’re supposed to see only your best memories, of people you love and care for? Of happy times, and moments of pure bliss? Whoever came up with that was terribly, horribly wrong. As i crashed downward i saw myself at school, laughing, faking a smile and blowing kisses. Then I saw myself lying on the dirty floor of my bathroom and all i saw was his face, and the blood, oh the blood. I had almost forgotten how much blood had been shed. And with those two memories i felt the longing to live slowly slip away just like the waves slowly slipped me through the crashing darkness that tumbled me toward the rocks. And the light of the moon, the beautifully desivious moon, faded. 

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