Chapter 4 Aiden's Past

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(Aiden POV) 

After school was finally over i was headed home and stopped at a red streetlight when i caught a flash of blonde hair to my left. Startled i looked over and immediatly thought of Lexi when i saw it was a young teenage girl with her blonde hair swept up into a ponytail. Sighing i couldnt help but re-live those painful memories of when i was in love with Lexi Harrington. 


Aiden had been waiting for this day all week, it was his and Lexi's one year anniversary and Aiden had spent alot of time and money into planning the perfect evening for Lexi his longtime girlfriend who he was madly in love with. He smiled thinking about her long blonde hair and carmel colored eyes. She was beautiful and even though she could be a little mean and hard to handle at times he still loved her. He had planned a romantic evening on a balcony in one of the nicest restaurents in town that overlooked the ocean and served her favorite desert, he'd had to rent out the entire ten tables on the balcony and pay extra for Lexi's favorite food chicken alfredo to be made especially for her but it was worth it. He was on his way to school when he remmebered that Lexi had been out very late the night before and had drank quiet a bit of alchohal. Deciding that she was probably still asleep and suffering from a hangover he decided he should drive her to school this morning so she could focus on resting up. 

Stopping at a small breakfast diner he picked up her favorite chocolate chip pancakes and a medium orange juice to bring to her, spelling out I love you with small blueberries on her pancakes. When he arrived at her house he noticed her parents cars where gone and there was a strangly familiar red hummer sitting in her driveway. Frowing Aiden let himself in with the key she had given him on their six month anniversary and headed toward her bedroom, food in hand. the door was closed but he could hear what sounded like loud breathing coming from inside. Pushing the door open he came face to face with Lexi and Logan Aiden's best friend both butt naked, Logan had his hands on Lexi's bare butt and Lexi had her hands tangled in Logans hair they where obvioiusly having sex. Starltled he dropped the food and and everything spilled out but he just stood their unable to look away from the love of his life cheating on him with his best friend. 

"how long?" Was all he maneged to garble out when they noticed him and covered themselves with horrified expressions on both their faces. 

"Look man, i can explain this." Logan said while he struggled into his boxers and pants. 

"Babe, its not what it looks like, i promise," Lexi started toward me clutching the sheets to her body. 

"HOW LONG?" I spit out looking at them with disgust. 

Lexi sighed and rubbed her head. " Almost five months." she whispered looking down at the ground. 

"How could you?" I felt like my throat was closing and my heart was about to rip itself out of its chest. Here was the girl i loved with all my heart with my best friend who i had grown up with and thought of as a brother, admitting that they had been sleeping together for five months while we where going out. I was disgusted. 


After that day i had packed up and moved out to live with my Uncle across the country and i vowed to myself i would never trust another girl again. But maybe not all girls are like that. I thought to myself. Shaking my head i laughed scornfully at myself. Of course all girls where like that. All girls kept secrets and had too much drama. And if there where any good ones out there, surley they wouldnt look twice at me if Lexi had managed to dislike me enough to cheat on me, no other girl would ever be able to love me. 

When i got home i parked my car and headed upstairs, my uncle was very rich and was a succsessfull busnisses man as was his only daughter Monique who owned her own clothing store and was currently trying to get it nation wide. She was a really nice girl who he enjoyed talking to, she was like his older sister. 

Going up the stairs he went into her room and plopped down on her bed. Turning around she gave him a dirty look. 

"I just did the bed doofus, your doing it again before you leave." she said laughing. I stood up and looked over her shoulder to see what she was doing on the computer. 

"Watcha doing?" I asked when all i saw was a bunch of open tabs with different things on there. 

"Well, im sending the pictures from todays shoot to the magazine, im paying the models and aranging the trip to New York for me you and our front line model. We'r leaving in two days by the way and dont worry i already called the school and everything is set." She said as if it where the most simple thing in the world. 

"New York? No way, i dont wanna go back there ever again. Besides what do you want me over there for?" I asked my mouth set in a tight line. New York was where Lexi and Logan and the rest of my old friends where. I didnt want to see them. 

"Oh PLEASE Aiden, PLEASE! Daddy wont let me go without you besides i need someone to keep an eye on my model for me, she's gonna start becoming real famous as soon as this magazine is out which is tomorrow and she's young i don't want her alone." She said. 

I snorted. " So you want me to be a baby sitter basically?" This trip was sounding less and less apealing by the minute. 

"Im willing to pay you and the whole trip would be free." She said looking me in the eye. I groaned and she smiled taking it as a yes. She knew i needed the money for a new guitar because mine had recently broken on the plane ride over here because of my carelessness. 

"Fine." I said grimly. 

"Oh dont be such a baby, its an all expense paid trip to New York, with a famous beautiful MODEL and your getting paid, what more do you want." She huffed. "Pack your things and be ready at 4 am on wednesday." 

I sighed and went to sleep smiling when i realized i might be a little tiny bit excited to go to New York with a Model. Maybe this would be the perfect oppertunity to make Lexi regret everything she put me through, im sure with a little sweet talking i could have that most likley slut of a model eating from the palm of my hand. Maybe this trip was a good idea. 

UH OH! Aiden's jerk side is starting to show! What will he do when he finds out the model is Addy? Will she go along with plan for revenge? :00 PLEASE COMMENT VOTE AND FAN! it really means alot to me <3 thank you so much for reading my story and give me feedback please! THANK YOU LOVELYS <3 XOXONATLIE.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2012 ⏰

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