The Visit

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Today is the day. Shen QingQiu decided. Standing up from his empty bed, he forced himself to get ready for his journey.

It will be fine

After years and years of loneliness, doubts, and colds. He understood that it won't change. Days of warmth, food, soft touches, and the whining calls of "Shizun" are long gone. It had gone a very long time ago, but today he will finally accept it. As his body already did.

The travels to An Ding Peak took quite a long time. He didn't fly with his swords, nor he was rushed to arrive. Instead, he walked slowly, enjoying the scenery and the occasional memories that appeared.

"Shizun, Shizun."

Shen QingQiu looked towards Binghe as he held the fish that was freshly caught. He smiled softly at the scene.

"Is that our dinner, Binghe?"

"Yes Shizun, this disciple will cook a delicious dish for you."

Shen QingQiu smiled softly at the memories. It really was a sweet day. Both of them decided to have a date and go fishing by the river. Just the memories alone filled him with warmth, though it does not last long as the cold gripped his heart. The loneliness came twofold. He shook his head and continued his journey.

By the time the sun is high in the sky, he finally reached his destination. A disciple of An Ding Peak found him and gladly informed Shang QingHua of the news of his arrival.

"Shen-Shixiong, I was not expecting you." Shang QingHua greeted.

Shen QingQiu didn't return the greetings, instead, he nodded and walked to the Peak Lord's hut. A disciple brought them tea but Shen QingQiu didn't want to talk yet. His thoughts wander to the last time someone accompanied him to drink tea. Binghe used to always have tea with him, but that was years ago before he found others that he will accompany.

"...Cucumber-bro, is something wrong?" Shang QingHua asked carefully.

"Airplane-bro, the road may change but the destination is the same after all."

Shen QingQiu's vague reply was graced by the confused and slightly worried face of Shang QingHua.

"What do you mean?"

Instead of answering, Shen QingQiu gave a simple bracelet to Shang QingHua.

"It has my spiritual power in it."

"Cucumber-bro, stop shitting with me, what's wrong?"

Shang QingHua was definitely worried now. Cucumber bro was not the type that would show his weakness, yet this vulnerable air around him now is impossible not to notice.

"I used to think that I could accept any ending as long as I didn't end up as a human stick. I just never realized that any ending had so many possibilities."

"Cucumber bro, what are you talking about! Stop saying confusing things and just tell me directly."

Inside his mind, Shang QingHua was panicking. His friend - dare he say - is being extra weird. Something bad must be happening. He didn't know what to do? Should he ask Luo BingHe? He wanted to scream right now.

As if sensing Shang QingHua internal panic, Shen QingQiu smiled at him reassuringly - which didn't reassure Shang QingHua at all.

"My minds wander a lot these days, please don't mind what I'm saying. Anyway, how are you? I take it you have many responsibilities within An Ding Peak and Mobei-Jun."

Shang QingHua definitely noticed the forced change of topic, but he decided to accept it anyway. Maybe it was Cucumber-bro's limit to opening up his heart. Cucumber-bro mood seems to get better the longer they talk which is relieving to Shang QingHua.

When Shen QingQiu got ready to leave, the sun was about to set. As Shen QingQiu walked toward the door, Shang QingHua remembered the gift he received before.

"Cucumber-bro, what do I need to do with this bracelet?"

"Just keep it, maybe it could be useful." was Shen QingQiu lofty answer before finally leaving.

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