Chapter 12: Itachi's Little Dark Age

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Itachi's POV:

It's been months since i got here in this world and so many things happened and still they don't know a single thing about me, Maybe i should tell Belfast because she's the only one i could really trust in harsh situations, i can't really hide my identity for too long what if someone gets in here and tell my backround as a killer a murderer

Itachi: *sighs* i can't hide my identity for too long

3rd POV:

Because of this Belfast heared what he said while hiding on the door in the kitchen she then approached Itachi

Belfast: Yeah you can't Itachi because i heard what you just said

Itachi then stood up as he started to sweat while Belfast is slowly approaching him, he then backed away but he got cornered into a wall while Belfast pinned him

Belfast: Tell me everything about you, i don't care if you have a good or bad past even worse just...tell me

He then slightly pushed Belfast and make her sat on a chair Itachi then grabbed 2 cups and filled it with Iced tea and sat down beside Belfast

Itachi: Would you hate me if i did something that a human or a shipgirl can't even do? Because of what i did is a monstrous or even worse.

Belfast: how can you say that? Please tell me everything will be okay

Itachi: What if i tell you that i'm a killer

Belfast widened her eyes because of what he said

Belfast: don't joke around like that Itac-

Itachi: Bel i'm serious, i assasinated my whole clan i even killed my mother and father i even make my little brother suffer...

Itachi just looked down ashamed he can't believe he actually told it to someone

Itachi: i know you're disgusted because of what i did...i understand

Belfast: Itachi...why would you do that?!

She said as tears are falling on her eyes

Itachi: Because it's my mission...

Belfast: why? Why would they give you such mission?

Itachi: my clan...started a coup d'etat because of a misunderstanding, they relocated my clan in the outskirts of the village to keep and eye on us and because of that my clan also suffers from discrimination. My best friend Shisui was about to stop my using a genjutsu called "Kotoamatsukami" on the leader and also my father but he was ambushed and one of the higherups named Danzo took out his left eye but i when i got there Shisui was now weakened and if i remember correctly he was poisoned by one of the ninjas in the village to weaken him...

Belfast: tell me more

Itachi: Shisui and I were on a waterfall and he told me that Danzo took his left eye so if he survived they will be targeting his left eye next because of this circumstances he gave his eye to me and tranplanted to one of my crows and he committed suicide by drowing himself after that my clan suspected me for murdering Shisui because of a note he left

Belfast: and what does that note says?

Itachi: it says " there's no hope in this clan" when they told me i was the one who murdered Shisui i got so angry that i attacked them mindless i also nearly killed my father at that time by throwing kunai but i threw it on the wall with my clan's logo, And that's my mission started Danzo ordered me to eliminate my whole clan except my younger brother or support the clan die with them but i could not let that happen if a civil war will broke out the neigboring nations will attack and will create a 4th great war so i chose to exterminate my clan

Belfast: including children?

Itachi: yes including children...and that night i killed my clan and my father's last words to me is i'm a kind child and i promised him to take care of my younger brother Sasuke... so i planned everything i stood besides my parents corpes so he will believed that i killed them mercilessly my brother then ran outside the house as i chase him i have to make my brother hate me so he will be more powerful. I can remember that he asked me why did i kill the whole clan and i answered to test my New eyes i got when Shisui died in front of me

Belfast: why would you make him hate you? I don't get it

Itachi: When the Uchiha learns to love and loses it, our brain will create a negative chakra that can awake our sharingan and the more the hatred you have to stronger you get

Itachi: after 9 years of hiding and watching him from the shadows i planned a battle so my brother could kill me to repent my sins, but then someone told him about why i killed my whole clan and that's why he decided to destroy our village for making me suffer at the age of 13 years old

Belfast: so after your battle you got send in here?

Itachi: No... 15 days later the person who told my secrets to my little brother declared a war on the world and a guy named Kabuto used the forbidden ninjutsu to bring the dead back to life and make them fight even though it's against their will and i was one of them but i got lucky because of Shisui's Kotoamatsukami i broke out and stopped the caster and because of that all of the shinobis that were forced i let them free including myself from thar curse and after my 2nd death i woke up in here

Belfast: i'm sorry you have to suffer all of that but remember this in this world you can redeem yourself and forget about your past, don't think that you're a monster. Itachi your a hero you saved your world twice even though you have to suffer just to get that peace what you always wanted for your brother so please forget those things and be with us...

Itachi then then started to cry...

But Belfast hugged him, Itachi then cried silently in her arms

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But Belfast hugged him, Itachi then cried silently in her arms

Belfast: There there, let it all out Itachi you don't have to worry so much because of what you did in the past, and i promise you, you're not gonna be suffering again

She said as she wrapped her arms in Itachi's back and head

Damn i've been thinking about this chapter quite a lot, say do you want Belfast to tell the others what Itachi told her?

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