19. "Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires."

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19. "Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires."



The roar of thunder echoed around, shaking my tent with its vengeance. 

I blinked at the sound, back in my consciousness, the hazy images of my dreams fading into the crystal-clear surroundings of my tent. I forced myself into a sitting position, rubbing my hands down my face as I groaned. 

A shiver of unease worked its way down my spine at the thought of thunderstorms. I thought back to when Abigail and I would huddle together under blankets during storms. I always thought I was comforting her, but I realised Abigail, with her chubby little arms, would hold me to protect me from the storm. 

Without her solace,  I felt a familiar ache of loneliness sift through me. 

I pushed those memories aside and concentrated on finding someone nearby. I didn't want to seek comfort from this murderous pack of wolves, but my choices were grim.

Hurrying out of my tent, I looked around desperately, only to realize that the makeshift camp was empty. There was no wolf in sight, not even Dariel.

My whole body went numb; I couldn't feel anything below the neck. The feeling of emptiness swallowed me whole. My legs shook, and my hands gripped at my sides, desperately seeking solace. Fear lassoed around my neck like a noose.

They must be somewhere nearby, I reassured myself. 

Trying to think through the panic, I walked forward without thinking, not wanting to be alone for a second longer. With shaky legs, I kept moving, struggling to trace their scents.  I walked deeper into the woods. I should have known it was the wrong place to have come, but where else was there to go?

Despite my heightened vision, it was so dark that I could hardly see. . The clouds covered the night sky, making it  pitch black. I wasn't paying as much attention as I should to where I was going. I meandered aimlessly through the thick undergrowth, past fallen ferns and moss-covered cobwebs. There was dead silence, not a single creature scattered past. The night was uninviting, and suddenly, a chill that had nothing to do with the weather made me shiver.

The rancid smell in the air made me stagger. The discomfort hindered my fear, but it was only for a second, until I caught sight of blood smeared across the forest, on every tree, pools of blood watering the overgrowth.

There was so much blood. Everywhere. Human bones jutted out through the soil. My stomach dropped to my knees, and I ripped my eyes away from the sight. I hurried by, hastily running, branches and thorns biting at my flesh to stop me. I stumbled often, but I kept going, forcing myself to keep pushing forward in the hopes of finding someone, anyone.

I froze dead in my spot, when I realised I was not alone. I was being followed. 

𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now