v. here for you forever

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EDITED ON 12/22/22

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EDITED ON 12/22/22.

november fourth, 2006.

three year old chris, matt, and nick sturniolo were running along the sidewalk on the sunny november morning. they were racing to see who could get to the other side of the driveway first.

"red setty go!" little chris shouted. the three boys ran to the other side of the driveway, nick knocking into a little girl on her tricycle.

"owie!" the girl cried, getting up from underneath nick. she ran to her mom, who was standing next to the triplets' mom, watching in amusement.

"what happened, sweetheart?" kiara wallace asked the young girl. nick also ran to his mother in tears.

"he run into me." she accused, pointing at nick. marylou sturniolo looked at his son.

"nick, say sorry to the little girl." she demanded. nick looked at the ground in embarrassment. chris and matt watched the whole thing, curious as to who this girl was and why she made their brother cry.

"i sorry." nick mumbled, not looking up. the girl let go of her mother and took nick's hand.

"it's okay! my name owivia! call me wiv." she shook his hand. nick stared at her. was she not just crying a few moments ago. the boy took his hand away.

"nic-o-as. me nick." he pointed to his brothers. "kis and matt." the other boys waved.

"play with us, via!" chris shouted, having not heard the first part of the girl's name. from that day forward, that was all he called her. never 'liv' or 'livvy', which is what the other boys and everyone else called her, just 'via'. he only called her 'olivia' when he was really upset with her.

april seventeenth, 2012.

(just a quick psa, chris and olivia are both eight. but since chris was born in august, before the cutoff, he's one grade above olivia, who was born in october)

"i dare you to kiss the girl you like." nate, chris and matt's friend, demanded during recess one day. chris's eyes widened.

"on the lips!" matt adds eagerly.

"what? no! i can't do that." chris said, quickly. nate and matt rolled their eyes.

"why not? if you like someone, you kiss them." nate said, simply. chris rolled his eyes.

"but she's in second grade. i don't see her at all in school."

"then do it after school, dummy." matt whacked him on the head. "before school tomorrow, you ask livvy to meet to at the playground before we go home. i'll let nick know so we can stall mom before you guys come back. we'll tell her that you guys are helping clean the playground or something."

waste my time , chris sturniolo.² ✓Where stories live. Discover now