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»»————- CHAPTER 08 ————-««

»»————- CHAPTER 08 ————-««SUMMER OF 1986

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       "GO BLOW YOUR DAD YOU MULLET WEARING ASSHOLE!" Richie shouted, throwing his middle fingers on both hands up at Bowers before following his friend's who'd walked ahead of him. 

       "Thanks, guys, but you really shouldn't have done that," The homeschooler kid said. "Now he's going to be after you too." Mike shook his head as the group grabbed with bikes which had been left in the road. 

       "Who Bowers? he's always after us." Eddie frowned. 

        "I guess that's one t-th-thing we all have in common." Bill said sounding a bit more proud than he should have been. He's left out Viv, which kinda hurt her feelings. 

       "Yeah, homeschool, welcome to the Loser's Club." Richie greets, patting the New Mike on his shoulder. 


      The group biked to town, stopping near an ice cream shop and the group disbanded, kinda. Bill, Beverly, Ben, Mike and Stan stayed waiting in an alleyway whilst Richie, being the dumb ass he was, stole a brass instrument from a kid in the marching band. Richie stood in the street, trying to play it as the band member tried to take it back. 

       Viv and Eddie had gone to get ice cream. Viv didn't remember ever having ice cream, so Eddie decided to buy some for her. 

       The group in the alley was stood, staring at the newest missing kid's poster. 

       "They say they found part of his arm all chewed up at the sandpipe." Stan says, squinting at the paper which reflected sunlight above. 

        "He asked to borrow a pencil once." Ben muttered sadly. They all watched as Bill lifted the paper to reveal Betty's poster underneath. Dirty move. "I-i-it's like she's been forgotten just because Corcran's m-m-mi-missing." 

        Stan looked down then back up to Bill before glancing at Richie dancing in the street. "Is this ever going to end?" Stan asked, just to remember there was still some Louisiana lab after Viv. What had his life turned into?

       As Stan asked his question, Eddie appeared, a ice cream cone in each hand as Viv trailed behind him holding a small sundae and a spoon. "What are you guys talking about?" Eddie asked as he approached. Bill looked at Viv who was already staring back at him before he looked away. 

       "What they always talk about." Richie's voice rang out and they looked to see that Richie had given up acting like an idiot and had teleported next to Eddie as Ed handed him an ice cream cone. 

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