1.love affair!?

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"Summer is the season of love,i'll get a new boyfriend." The girl with a short brown hair and red earrings happily said. "Guh?!.." Yuzu awkwardly sipped on her drink.

"But weren't you fucking him 'till recently?" The other girl with black wavy hair and yellow headband asked. "He's just so annoying i'm gonna dump him." The brown-haired responded. "Seriously?!" The black-haired one asked,shocked.

"I'd like a boyfriend." Yuzu said with a nervous smile as she rested her chin on her knuckles. "Don't do long distance!" Her friend with a black hair adviced. Giving her a look saying 'it'll-be-lonely-without-you'.

"Yeah,Yuzu-chi. You said you broke up with your boyfriend right?" Her friend with the brown hair gave her a sad look. "I'd invite you to a mixer,Yuzuko-chi. But you're transferring in fall,right?" Yuzu pulled her hand away from her chin. "Don't worry about me." She started. "After my transfer,i'll get a boyfriend right away!" She gave a grin and a peace sign.
"Good." I said while looking at the mirror. "This is a sexy look." Its my first day of transferring so my feminine charm should be maxed out! Still..no matter how fired up i may be.. I looked around,the hall is full of girls! And that's where it hit me.


Its a girls' school. And thus ends my youth. I could just imagine myself with tears rolling down my face with my lips formed into a awkward smile. I've put up a good act.. Cause how could i tell my friends... That i've never even once honest about love..

I turned my phone and saw a past message. With me saying: 'i got a boyfriend lol' and my friends saying: 'Yuzu-chi,you do your best,too 🎶' and 'Knowing you,you could line 'em up! ^_^ ✌️' Ahh..I just don't understand love.

"Excuse me. You there.." A girl with glasses,bangs and short hair caught my attention. She was holding a paper holder and a sign saying 'student council' was wrapped around her left arm. "Yes?" I asked. "Could we go over to the student handbook,please?" She asked in a monotone,looking straight through my eyes. "Huh? Why?" I asked,i can feel my heart beating rapidly in nervousness.

"Well,your hair color and such is in violation of school rules." She explained. "Eh?! Are you kidding?!" I started panicking. "And i'll have to confiscate that mobile phone." She pointed at my phone that i was holding. I gave a forced smile and made excuses. "Yeah,you see i've just transferred. Of course wouldn't know those little things!" Let me off the hook,i'd be careful next time!

"But continuing," she started again. "Your first button being open,your skirt length,makeup and accesories..are all in violation of school rules." She explained once more. "And the rules don't permit any exception,please let me write down your name." She finished off. "Whaa?!" I yelled,terrified. What a huge trouble this is.

"When you're in highschool,you can't look boring! Otherwise,What point is there?!" I squeezed her shoulders and put her face near mine and she looked kinda shocked. "Where's the fun in it?!" I yelled loudly straight to her face so she'd know. "Besides,its not like dressing up nicely would affect my studies badly."

"But it will." An unfamiliar female voice interuppted me and this girl. "Stu.." The girl with glasses mumbled. "Student Council President.." I looked at the girl she's referring to. She have black hair and spiky long bangs. She was looking at me with a stern look on her face. The last boss?!

"Living by the rules of the school prepares you for society." She started off. I gave her a dirty look as i listened to her. "We are all under the same conditions so if you want to go to this school.." She gave me an even more angrier look. "You will abide..by the school's rules and regulations!" She yelled like a mad ogre.

"Haven't you got things mixed up?" I retorted. "You say we're on the same conditions but i didn't know about the rules cause i've just moved here." I defended as my hands gripped my waist for an even more angrier effect. "The conditions aren't the same." I can already here the murmurs of the students behind us.

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