Growing Bond

680 14 11

(Since I don't think I can write in other languages we are going to act like there were no mistranslations ever and I'm going to avoid any cultural things because I don't want to get them wrong I'm sorry hahah-)

'Ah fuck. A new guy? And he's from a wholeass other place? And I'm the one supposed to look after him? Well, at the very least he knows English. I can avoid any mistranslations that way, I guess.' Mark tilted his chair back a bit, leaning slightly against the wall while this new kid introduced himself. Both Mark and his new-found tag along were seniors in high school. It was about midway through the year when this guy showed up. May as well catch him up on some things. Showing him the ropes and who to avoid would be the least he could do.

Mark flinched slightly when the new kid sat down next to him "o-oh- sorry- did I scare you?" He asked, worry clear in his tome "Nah, just caught me off gaurd, don't worry about it, man." Mark shrugged, offering a hand to the newcomer "Mark. Mark Heathcliff." The other blinked before shaking Mark's hand carefully. "Uh- Cesar. Cesar Torres. Nice to meet you, Mark" Mark smiled slightly at the awkward chuckle Cesar had let out. Wait. Wait Mark smiled? Huh? No. Mark didn't smile for anyone or anything.

He tamped down his emotions and flattened his expression, but not before Cesar had seen it and smiled back. Oh no. Mark was attached.

The rest of the day went normally, save for lunch. Mark, unfortunately, had accidentally lost track of Cesar and that wasn't exactly a good thing. He quickly darted down a hallway when he heard his new acquaintance yelp followed up by a thud. A few of the rowdier kids had gotten a hold of Cesar and Mark was not happy. "HEY!" he ran over, pushing the assholes away from Cesar "Leave him. The fuck. Alone" he reached into his backpack, pulling his pocket knife out. "Unless, of course, you're looking for a fight."

The two bastards that had hurt Cesar stepped towards Mark. Mark struck first, kicking one in the shins and lunging for the other, within a few minutes the fight was over and done, Mark being the victor. He turned and helped Cesar to his feet, putting his knife away and leaning against a wall. "M-mark! Are you okay? You're hurt..!" Cesar reached up and touched the forming bruise on his face. It was nothing compared to Mark's injuries. "I'm. I'm fine, Cesar. I get into fights like this every damn week. Go. Go to class. I'll meet you there." " I'm going to help you. Sit down, I have emergency med supplies in my backpack. We have to do this quickly, there's not a lot of time before our next period and I'd like to have you patched up before then."

Cesar chuckled, pulling the medkit out of his bag as Mark sat against a wall. After a few minutes of cleaning and bandaging the two were off to class. Each thanking the other for what they'd done to help. Eventually the day came to an end and the two went their separate ways. "I'll see you tomorrow, right Mark?" Mark stopped in his tracks and looked back at the other "...Yeah. see you tomorrow" and with that, Mark smiled and hopped onto his bike, riding away.

(Sorry this one was a bit shorter. Lack of motivation and a mental breakdown lmao)

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