Calm Before The Storm

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Mark and Cesar had been friends for a long while now, calling eachother and hanging out daily. Cesar was at Mark's house for the time being. Mark flopped onto the couch, the heat of the day getting to him. "Cesaaaarrrr, come sit with meeeee" it was a half whine half exhausted call for his friend. "One second, dude. I'm trying to wash my damn hands after having to clean your fucking socks" Mark snickered at that

"I told you not to pick them up. I said that about the towels too. You just didn't listen." "Oh shut up before I cuss you out in a language you can't understand" "You gonna call me a son of a bitch again?" "wha- how did you-" "I just figured, haha- you call me it so often I sort of just guessed." "I gotta get something else to call you, damn." Cesar sat on the couch next to Mark, looking out the window at the slowly setting sun

"horror movie?" "Horror movie." "Your pick, dude." "You're saying that so you don't have to get up, aren't you" "Mmmmmaybe-" "ugh! You fucking prick-!" Mark's hand shot out, landing on Cesar's head and ruffling his hair "AUGH- HEY- MARK WHAT THE FUCK-" "HA! GOTCHA" Mark adjusted his position, wrapping his other arm around Cesar's waist and pulling him closer, continuing his assault on his friend's hair "MARK YOU'RE GONNA KILL ME HAHAHA-" "PERISH!!"

Mark leaned onto his friend, practically on top of him at this point, having gone from ruffling his hair to jabbing and poking at Cesar's neck and sides "AHAHAH- MARK NO HAHAH-" "MUAHAHA! I AM AN EVIL CREATURE COME TO KILL YOU!! PERISH, FEEBLE HUMAN!!!" "DUDE, GET OFF OF ME-" "NEVER!!" the duo bickered for a while longer, Cesar occasionally shooting attacks of his own back at Mark. After around five minutes, Cesar shoved his friend away  "alright alright, no more- are we gonna watch a movie or not-" Mark sighed and got up, quickly turning on some random movie before laying back down on the couch.

"Mark, you're taking up the whole couch! I'm gonna end up sitting on the floor!" "Just fucking- scoot closer to me or something then. I won't let you fall off or anything" Mark couldn't tell at the time, but Cesar was blushing slightly. ((Yeah admittedly I really liked him. I was a pussy your honor)) Mark pulled his legs in and held his arm out as an invitation for his best friend to lean against him. Cesar quickly scooted over, leaning onto Mark as the movie played in the background.

Mark found himself glancing at his friend quite often, occasionally staring for a bit. He took in a few of Cesar's details. His fluffy hair, the way the light hit him just perfectly whenever he was at the perfect angle, the soft curves and contours of his face, the soft, slight smile he always seemed to have- oh. Oh shit. Cesar caught him staring. "Whatcha looking at, Mark?" Mark quickly looked away, focusing back on the TV "Nothing- don't worry about it-"

He felt Cesar lean into him "Whatever you say..-" Cesar was cut off by a yawn, tired from all the chores he'd helped Mark to do. Surely Mark wouldn't mind if he just..fell asleep..they were best friends after all, and it wasn't as if they hadn't sat like this before. It wasn't like Cesar hadn't fallen asleep against him before, and it certainly wasn't something Mark would've minded. Besides, Cesar was warm and might end up lulling Mark to sleep too, which wouldn't have been horrible considering how little of it Mark usually got.

Soon the movie became white noise to the both of them, Cesar had practically already fallen asleep, Mark holding him to his side and continuing to watch. In his barely awake state, Cesar muttered something just barely loud enough for Mark to hear "Thank you for being my friend, Mark.." Mark froze, subconsciously pulling Cesar closer "I should be the one thanking you, Cesar. Seriously, nobody else can put up with me" Mark laughed, a loud and full sound that made Cesar smile. The movie continued playing as the two cracked tired jokes at eachother, laughing at their own stupidity

"Dude, my entire body is falling asleep, you're gonna need to move" Cesar only grumbled and pressed further into his friend "Nno. You're comfy and warm. I don't wanna move" Mark sighed. "Uuugh. Fine. You can stay, only because you're my best friend though" "I'm your only friend, dipshit" "wha- Hey!!" Cesar laughed at his friend's reaction, smiling at him. "God, you're lucky I don't hate you" "You don't have the.." another yawn "..balls to hate me" "Really now?" "Mmhm" "'re lucky you're right" "ha..! Knew it..!" "Shuddup" "I don't think I will" Mark sighed at this

"God, you are such an ass." Cesar chuckled "I know I am. To be be fair, your an ass too." Mark blinked, slightly surprised "I- damn you're right-" a sly smile crossed Cesar's face "When am I not?" Mark ruffled Cesar's hair again, earning a surprised yelp from the smaller "heh. Gotcha again..!" "Damnit, Mark, stop ruffling my hair!" Mark laughed at his friend's protesting, taking his hand away "fine fine, I'll stop screwing with you. It's getting late, anyways. You wanna head to my room or would you rather sleep here?" "Here. I don't wanna move."

Mark reached over and pulled a blanket over him and his friend, slowly laying all the way down, Cesar on top of him. He smiled at how sleepy Cesar looked, "you look like a very tired cat." Cesar just grumbled and cuddled closer to Mark before speaking again "We're gonna be like this forever, right? Best friends?"

Mark looked at his friend, making direct eye contact. Staying quiet for a moment to take in his friend's soft, tired expression and hopeful glint in his eyes. "Yeah. Yeah we are. I promise." Cesar let out a content sigh at this. The duo leaned into eachother drifting off to sleep, each made fully content and calm with the presence of the other. This was nice, and this was how it'd stay. Forever and always. Right?

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