Wisdom teeth removal

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*Fluff warning*

"Hun, it will pain more if you cry "taehyung who was caressing the crying boy's head said for the fourth time probably.
"Do you want something, like more ice? "
"Ice cream?"
"Et hwarts ( It hurts )" a muffled and broken cry filled the silent room.
Taehyung sighed frustrating one saying
"Love , you need to relax , yeah. I know it might be hurting yo-"
"What do you mean by 'might hurting you ' it hurts owww"
Jungkook was actually having a toothache and was completed frustrated because of the pain . The whole day was hectic for him but he atleast expected a cute cuddly night with his husband but unfortunately the pain poked out of blue and ruined his already bad mood . Currently he was lying on the couch with his worried husband seated right next to him . His head burried into the pillow crying clutching over taehyung's hand .
"Love , don't cry baby or else the pain might get worse. We'll go to the clinic ok be here I'll get the keys and stuff."
Jungkook just nooded, too tired to respond.
Taehyung kept all the necessary items in the back seat ,carried the younger seated him in the passanger seat placing a pillow near the paining jaw not forgetting to help him with the seat belt and started his car towards the clinic. The whole ride was filled with whines and sobbs of the younger just wanting to get rid of the worsening pain .

"We're here , can you walk by yourself o-"
Before taehyung can complete his question it was already answered by the grabby hands of his kook . A chuckle left the older's lips while his arms worked on carrying his young baby .
Entering the clinic there weren't much patients empty mostly, just an old couple. For jungkook it was quite embarrassing lifted like this but taehyung didn't gave a shit about the surrounding as all he wanted was to get his baby rid of the pain .
He sprinted towards the empty couches and placed the younger on one of them telling him about his soon arrival before going to the front desk.
"Is Mr.Jung having a vaccant appointment?"
"Let me check sir .."
"Umm yeah he is actually having vaccancy so you can book it right now "
"Sure please book the urgent appointment"
"Yes sir"
"Hello Mr jung , there is a patient appointment added for now can I let them in ?
"Ok dr "
"You may go in after filling this "
"Thank you"
Taehyung walked towards the seating area where he placed jungkook who was still tearing up. Taehyung kneeled down towards him wiping the tears carefully not to hurt the paining jaw .
"Hun , the dr is waiting let's get you checked up yeah, everything he going to be ok "
The called boy nodded later getting lifted up both walking towards the cabin .
"Dr jung?"
"Mr Kim ,please lay down the patient here "
Taehyung did as told and did a lot more test and many words were shared between the two which ended with a decision of Wisdom teeth removal surgery which wasn't expected by the younger.
"Babe it's ok don't be scared yeah I am right here "
Taehyung was assuring the half concious boy who was slowly nodding closing his heavy eyes ,anesthesia doing its work .

After surgery
Taehyung was filling the formalities. He had called jimin, yoongi and Jin who were waiting in the addressed room . Soon after the door of the room was opened revealing 2 nurses holding the stretcher on which jungkook was laying unconscious, mouth stuffed with cotton trying to stop the oozing blood .
"He'll wake up soon , please keep his guardian nearby , the overdose of anesthesia will make him sick and probably less understanding "one of the nurse stated to jin who nooded while jimin went to call taehyung. Yoongi looked after jungkook for any necessity.
Just than jungkook started to get his consciousness, mumbling something inaudible. When his eyes met yoongi's he stared at him for a few seconds before bursting into loud cry .
(Italics muffled voice of jungkook because his mouth is stuffed)
"I want taehyungie"
Loud sobbing sound was heard from the room while taehyung and jimin who just reached the room door panicked.
Taehyung hurriedly entered the room and saw his kook crying his lungs out avoiding any eye contact or touch .
" Taehyungie help me "
Taehyung barely understood the statement as all he heard was a voice which sounded horse and muffled.
He walked towards the bed and hugged the crying one comforting him .
"Shhh baby , don't cry it's ok look your taehyungie is here now ."
"Taetae "jungkook looked at his husband with teary eyes , the sight just made the older coo at it .
"Yeah baby?"
"I am so sorry"again a loud sob was heard which made taehyung flinch because of the sudden outburst.
"What are you sorry for hun?"
"I-I kissed bam yesterday, *sob* I-I cheated on you *sob* I am sorry taetae .
Taehyung just sighed knowing it wasn't called cheating and jungkook was just overreacting because of the anesthesia.
"Aww don't cry hun , it's ok-
"It's not!!"yelled
"Calm down kook"jin assured the younger who in return yelled
"I wanna go home"
"Shhh now we will hun !!"
Taehyung kept caressing the boy's back and shussing him. After what seem like an hour he finally settled down on taehyung's lap even after hearing alot denials .
"We'll change the cotton MR.Kim" the alloted nurse said getting a nod from the called man
"Koo" taehyung softly called " we need to clean your mouth baby can you stand up hun?"
"No baby , it won't look"taehyung cupped his cheeks wiping the dried tears placing a long kiss on his forehead "my good bunny aren't you ?"
The boy nooded at the asked compliment soon getting lifted up placing on the soft sleeping chair .
"So jungkook , how do you feel?"the nurse kindly asked trying to distract the younger.
"I feel like I am flying in the air , but at the same time I'm floating in the ocean"a stupid answer was followed by loud giggles melting everyone's heart.
"Oh, is that so ?"the stunned nurse asked
Taehyung chuckled hearing that, caressing the navy blue locks of the younger.
"Mr. Kim you can take him home it's evening already so if you want or else you can keep her for extra eye an-"
"I wanna go home hyngie "
"Yeah it would be better"
"Ok sir , please fill the pending formalities"
"Will do"

Taehyung asked his husband who was lying on the passenger seat feeling quite sleepy , nodding in agreement
"Ohk , let's go!"
Yoongi said who was the driver for now , taehyung and Jin in the backseat , jimin already left .
"Are you ok hun?"taehyung asked the boy who was staring at the window looking quite stunned but suddenly bursted in tears.
"My tounge!"
"What?"taehyung looked at the crying one who was pointing at the Red cotton looking quite like a tounge .
"M-my tounge hyungie "
"Baby it's not your tounge"
"Ok!"jungkook giggled
"Hyungie is so dumb haha, I can speak taetae so my tounge is here" pointing towards his mouth giggling loudly.
Taehyung sighed replying with a short "hum" too frustrated of the situation.

"Taehyung call me if you need anything. I've prepare the dinner for you guys ohk" jin patted the called man's shoulder who nooded and replied"Thank you hyung , I'll let you know about his condition soon"
"Yeah take care, bye"
"Bye hyung"
Soon after locking the door he headed towards his bedroom and saw jungkook was sleeping soundly looking relaxed .
His jaw was swollen, cotton was removed but the ice pack bandage tied above his head support the icepack .
Taehyung crowled towards the bed and hugged the younger with extra care not to hurt or wake his husband up.
"Good night sweet heart , get well soon love , I love you "taehyung wispered kissing his forehead so lovingly soon helping his tired self to sleep .

Next morning
"I would have troubled you "
Jungkook who was sitting on taehyung's lap pouting a lit upset of his previous behaviour .
"No you didn't baby , I am just glad the pain is gone"
The younger leaned in pressing his pink lips on the older's , softly kissing each other missing the way the warmth of each other's lips . Too clingy for others but not for these two who are in pure bliss. Soon the younger grind over taehyung's crouth both moaning at the friction they got on their sensitive spot.
"Babe not today you're not quite recovered , you need rest "
"No , please i-"
"Kim Jungkook"
The younger huffed not liking to be called by his full name
Taehyung chuckled at the reaction but stayed strict on the condition.
"Come here"
Taehyung hugged the boy with love and comfort knowing quite well the younger needed it .
"I love you taetae"
"I love you too baby"

Hope you enjoyed, next Oneshot will be posted soon .
Also I know you might not like me continuing the smut part but Its because I wanted this chapter to be fluffy but don't worry, me being a hard stan would bring a smutty one too. ✌️

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