Two - He's Back and AT US!

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Nickel's POV:

I hide my red face as Balloon "accidentally" touches my no-no square. >:(

I doubt he did it by accident.

"Pervert" I mumble.

"I-It was by accident!!!" Balloon screams at me.

"Yeah, Yeah. Accident." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Your acting like you wanted me to do it on purpose! I'm not like that!" He yells.

"Yeah. You're definitely not." I say sarcastically. Then I realize what I say and blush. Hard.

"W-WHAT!??" He says. His face was so red!

"Hello, Old Contestants!" A familiar voice says.


Wasn't he hosting another show already?
What was he doing here?

"A lot of the contestants are having a little drama show. Nothing to worry about. But because of that, I'll be your host once more!" He says.

Ugh. I think to myself.

Can't we just get a break?

We're STRANDED on an ISLAND here.

"I also brought in some new contestants!" MePhone tells us.

"New contestants?" Test Tube questions. "Why?"

"Well, it would be kinda boring just to include you guys. People already know you. What we need are new contestants that people will want to know about!" MePhone says. 

Balloon gets up away from me and walks towards the ocean. 

"What... what is that?" He says. 

I get up and look at the sky. 

Something was... flying..? 

It looked like it was on fire. 

It was getting closer and closer. 



"Haha! that was fun! Do it again!" 

I Don't Like Him! THAT'S FINAL! [Balloon x Nickel Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now