The Underworld (Actual)

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AN: Oookay, Bad languages are bad, children! And I discourage those who are not old enough - 16 below must not practice this kind of speech/conversation.What is used to this series is just for eterntainment use and for comedic effect and nothing more.


"Oiya?! If it isn't Ainz Sama" the cross dressing weeb freak (I think) said to me.

First of all what the f#$k am I looking, and how did I even ended up here? Wherever I am at the moment.

As I was wandering, Albedo walk towards and had a worried face.

"Ainz-sama?" I only aswered with a 'hm' and continued as normal like nothing significant is happening. But I have absolutely no idea what is going on!? Should I pretend I expected this?!

I went towards the throne and was standing in front of the new guy?

At this point I have no idea, he looked at me with a weird smirked ( ^ω^) face and his cat ears started cutely- I mean moving like a real cat would do.

As I was trying to process the overloaded info , then few of cats started to assembling besides him and one of them was a black cat jumped to his shoulder and rested while looking at me intensely.

Uhhh why are you looking at me like that .

"Well~ You must be confused Ainz-sama, So please have a sit nya~ While I'll try my best to explain the situation" He said so, I was about to agree before Demiurge went and done it.

"Ainz-sama does not needed to be filled in, As I am very assured that he knows what is going"

. . . . F-#+#$ YOUUUUUU! What the he"" are you saying!!!!?! I have no f@$+ING idea is goin!? Wait calm down, I don't need to over react Ill just follow on and sit down and nod.

So I did, I sat down before them and said with a stupid unassured "humu" What did I get myself into. I said while mentally crying.

"oiyah~oiyah~ Well nya~ I will explain nonetheless as for those who are curioused here nya~"

Ooohhhh~ Okay... maybe I misjudged you...

"Well then~ Ainz-sama and everyone welcome to our humbly home, The underworld!" He said before a lot of demons and demi-humans bursting out of the huge door in front of me and begins preparing a big table with full foods, that looks unsettling look alike from Japanese cuisine.

"Nya~ Please accept our little offer as we have not received a fellow kin in a long time~"

Long time? I'm curioused by what he means by long time?

I should know about this 'underworld' first before hearing the background, but how would I get that information, if only someone would question about it....

Tuare who came along with Sebastian raised her hand.

"u-uhm, I-i am not sure whats going on" She said with reluctant but great job!

"Nya?" the cat dude suddenly changed his expression from all a happy doodly to a serious face, almost like looking at a prey. Then like there was no sound nor wind.

He was already at the table in front of her.

Nani?! The f@$k did he that?

He begins to inspecting her much more closer where it kinda gets too close, oi! Freak get away from that girl immediately!

With a delight to my mood, Sebastian guarded her from the freak's intense look and hid her behind him.

"is there a problem?"

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