Chapter 1: Journey to the new world

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Came the voice of one of the senior members of the government, causing a wave of commotion to erupt at that statement.

"Every time Gojira fights one of the Kaiju, he leaves nothing but a wave of destruction wherever he fights!"

Clicking a page on his computer, the projector showed it on the screen.

"And most of the time, it's become almost uninhabitable!"

Images of ruined areas where there has been a Kaiju fight are shown, some uninhabitable due to radiation, some taken over by plant life due to the radiation.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I propose that we come up with a solution to permanently end this problem once and for all.

The official finished, chattering and discussions following his statement.

"Hideo, please calm down," another government official soothed the agitated man down. "I understand how you feel, but trying to kill Gojira is not a smart thing to do."

"Akai, you should know that all that Gojira leaves behind is destruction!" The man, now known as Hideo, bit back.

"Yes, but killing one of the defenders of Earth, and one who has been here longer than we have, is the peak of madness."

Akai sighed, tired from arguing with his fellow official over the same topic for hours.

"Besides," He continued "The past few years have proven that without Gojira, we would most likely be dead or living in fear of attack from other Kaijus or space invaders."

"Or has that slipped your mind?"

Hideo gritted his teeth at that statement. As loathe as he was to admit it, without Gojira that would have been the likely scenarios.

"Even so, the world cannot ignore the devastation a kaiju fight leaves behind. Nor can we ignore the cost of rebuilding our cities, or the deaths that occur whenever they fight!"

He shouted, trying to get Akai to understand his reasons.

Akai sighed, he understood where his friend was coming from and he agreed as well.

Even so,

"After ours and the American military blunders, we don't have much of a leg to stand on when we nearly got ourselves killed."

"...And wound-up getting Dr. Serizawa killed"

That left a bitter taste in his tongue, he had met the man on several occasions and had conversations with the man. Particularly about Gojira and why he supported the King of the Monsters.

It was a very enlightening debate between the two and his respect for the Monarch scientist grew.

"Anyways, we should let the leading experts give their say in this matter."

Akai finished as he turned to the invited guests for this meeting,

Monarch Titan Relief leader Mark Russell, Colonel Foster, Admiral Stenz.

Mark stood up

"Thank you sir. Your concerns aren't unfounded and are not being ignored Mr. Hideo, but the fact remains that killing Godzilla will not help matters."

"In fact, it will only make it worse."

Commotion filled the room at that statement.

"Then what do you suggest we do then?"

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