step 1; The rat

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No ones P.O.V.......
"I need a new experiment, my last one wasn't that big and fun. At least it's a success." Test tube says to her self. Suddenly something came up to her mind "AHA THAT'S IT! " she searches her old note book, after quite a few minutes she found it very dirty. As she clean it she read her ever first experiment. It's about making someone happy emotions into a depressing child, or as in crazy way *torturing someone*. At first just need 𝘚𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘗𝘰𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘱𝘪𝘭𝘭 but it failed. She think so hard how to make it work and she did wanna try it again... "I've gotta do this again, but who should be my rat... I need someone who's full of energy, but also don't have friends...Mmmm, THAT'S IT HE'S THE ONE, no one's gonna notice he's gone right" Clearly test tube gonna kidnap someone.

--Nigh day--
Every object already fall asleep. Test tube grab her bat and bag, ready too kidnap someone. She claimed up to a window that surprisingly the window isn't shut or lock, that's make her mission easier. She went to his room and put him inside her bag, she claimed down and run as fast as she could to her lab.

She put the rat into a room that's has grey wall, has flickering lights and only a unbreakable window, nothing else. Test tube throw the bag inside. She lock and left the room to grab something and also waiting for him to wake up.

Cheesy woke up and feels uncomfortable, he's still in the bag so he tries to get out of it and only see that flickering light. He was so confused and try to get out of the room. Suddenly test tube was in front of the window. "Test tube is that you?... OH IT IS, would you tell me where are we and maybe let me out? " "Silly cheese this is my lab and u are my lab rat" Test tube giggle. "Nice joke test tube now let me out please" Cheesy look a lil panic there "This isn't a joke cheesy" Test tube looks serious and she also has something in her hand, it was a needle and collar?. Test tube went into the room and walk closer to cheesy, he back away slowly but suddenly test tube stab him with the needle, cheesy felt dizzy while test tube put the collar to him. "What's that for" Ask cheesy "The collar is to make u under my control and this liquid is connected to a device that shows ur emotions" Test tube seems to be excited about it. "I guess u can call me a rat in lab rat Tory" *insert knee slap sound*. "What ever, now this might be painfull bud I gotta try the collar first" Test tube press the button that she has in her hand, cheesy got electrocuted "AH" cheesy screams "it work!" "It work pretty painfull". Test tube leave the room and let him there while she making a pill or something like that.

--1 hour later--
Cheesy just wake up (he fell asleep before), it's breakfast time and test tube giving him food it was a bread and milk. "Thank you I guess, btw aren't you gonna do something, I'm an lab rat right" Cheesy talk and Putting the bread into his mouth "I am doing something, righ now" It took time for cheesy to realize "oh" "I put pill in there" The pill was something that make u regret ur life. Test tube taking out her clipboard "okay cheesy answer this with the scale one to ten" "Mkay" "How are you feeling mentally?" "6" "Physically?" "4" "Hmmm, how are you feeling about kys?" "Uh 0?" "It's 1 to 10" "Right, 1" "Okay it's a good start, but this is gonna take a while. I probably gonna look on something else in my office" Test tube walk away and lock the door.

--30 minutes later--
Cheesy zone out for a long time, maybe it's the side effects of the pill? Don't know but right now test tube looks very serious she want more then that experiment. Even she almost think of cutting cheesy in half. She's been thinking of replacing cheesy's arm with another arm, it's not a best idea yet. So she decided to do it a few weeks later bc she needs to find another arm from someone. For now she's just gonna go harsh on cheesy.

-meanwhile with cheesy-
"What am I supposed to do Im trapped here there's no point escaping, I can't shout for help" Suddenly cheesy saw a camera there, he approach it and shout "HEY TEST TUBE GIVE ME SOMETHING TO PLAY I'M BORED" I few minutes later test tube were in front of the window and go into the room giving cheesy a paper "what's this for" "U said give u something so here's a paper and don't forget the pencil" "I was expecting more but eh this fine" "I'm going to hotel oj now see you at night" Test tube lock the door this time with a code.

--In hotel oj--
No one seems notice cheesy is gone for 5 hour for now, test tube plans is perfect.. To perfect. Suddenly apple went down stairs panicking "does anyone seen cheesy?" "No?" Paper says "he's not in hotel for 5 hours" "Who cares he probably outside doing something" Trophy says. Surprisingly apple calm down and agree, she went to marshmallow to play with her. "Hey test tube what are you up to" "Hi, fan I was saying up all night and didn't got any test" "U should go to sleep" "Yeah I think so". Test tube went to her room and take a nap a lil. Hours past and she didn't realize it's 5pm she didn't get cheesy any food yet or either the pill. She ran quickly to her lab and little did she knows nickel saw that she was running in panic, nickel began to approach her "hey test tube why in a hurry?" "Uhh... I have some... Experiment! That was supposed to be done 1 hour ago" Test tube say that but also was so panic "okay then" Nickel walk away but he's suspicious of what test tube doing, nickel went back to the hotel oj and saw soap, tissue, apple, marsh, yin-yang, and trophy were talking "hey what's y'all up to" "It's apple, she's been worrying to much about cheesy" Marsh says "well he was not in hotel oj for a long time" Soap continues "don't worry about it he's fine who even like him anyway" Nickel says. Everyone seems a bit agree to nickel he is very annoying but apple just can't shut up about it "marsh can we talk alone" "Okay, soap".. " You know nickel is kinda right, we just need apple to forget about cheesy besides its a good thing he's gone no more shity joke" "Idk about that, but I think apple can have a new roommate to play with" "Let's talk to oj"

"Hey oj, can we talk about something"
"Sure what is it?"
"You know that Apple can't shut up about cheesy right, so we decided that someone should be her new roommate"
"That's great idea, but who?"
"Uhm, sure I guess besides she needs someone to play with"
"Okay then"

At apple's room
"Hey apple"
"Oh hi Marsh, what's up? "
"I'm ur new roommate now! "
"Ofc girl, but don't stay up to late kay? "
"Okay! "
They look so happy together, but do apple gonna get over, does people really hate cheesy that much? No they don't the are worried to but 1 day full with out cheesy jokes? OMGA IT'S HEAVEN.


Word: 1341

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