step 3; fallen hero

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--a couple days later at test tube lab--

Cheesy and trophy are getting along too well, they've been cuddling for awhile but trophy keep denying that he's gay. Test tube walk in to give cheesy a pill "time for ur pill cheese" "Aren't you giving him to much of that?" Ask trophy "this is less then before you were here" "Sheesh, you really are crazy". Test tube force cheesy to eat the pill. "Say trophy u didn't do my job today huh?" "I wasn't supposed to" "Follow me" "Why should I", test tube pull out her button thingi (I forgot what it called sorry💀) " Okay okay chill" Cheesy stand up and try to stop test tube but he just end up got kick.
--30 minutes pass--
Cheesy is worry what test tube gonna do to trophy (pt2), he just hurting his hand trying to break the door. Suddenly cheesy throwing up blood, there were blood everywhere and his vision went blurry, He fall asleep. Hours pass cheesy has woken up but still throwing up blood more and more, he just feel pain in his head, eyes, stomach. A sound of a door open cheesy was shock to see one of trophy's handle are broken, "I was going to give him some... Testing but he tried to fight back and all I can do is to hold on to his handle" Test tube broke the silent. Test tube left the room shutting it so loud, cheesy run to trophy and hug him "are you okay?"-cheesy, " Yea yea I'm fine I think, what is this blood tho" "Don't worry about it, I kinda throw up" "Throwing up blood?" Cheesy nodded "cheesy, are you sure your fine" "Don't worry, just feel dizzy". Hours pass and it was night time, test tube walk in with a cup of acid on her hand. She suddenly tripped so the acid splashed to behind trophy cup and cheesy other eyes "AAGH" cheesy back away while test tube standing up "ugh I always messed, I have to wait for tomorrow" She walk away like nothing happened. Cheesy tries touching his eyes but it hurts so bad "ouch" "Are you okay?, ur ey-...." "Why is it all black..." "I-im sorry" "Why are you sorry for" "Cheesy.. The acid, it splashed to your eyes" "W-what, no it can't be.. I'm not blind" "..." "I hate this I can't see, I can't see anything, I CAN'T SEE A FUCKING THING" Cheesy sobs "hey hey calm down it's gonna be alright" "ALRIGHT? I'M BLIND, YOUR HANDLE IS BROKEN, WE DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT SHE'S GONNA DO NEX-" Trophy hugs him "hey it's alright as long we're together" Cheesy just cry in the hug.

--Hotel oj--
*knock knock* paper open oj office door, "oh hey paper" "Hi oj, so you might know cheesy AND trophy have been gone probably more then 1 week, and the cops aren't really helping. Sooo I've been thinking if we can help finding them!" "Oh no no no, I don't wanna lose someone again, and no way it's you. Listen paper I know you want to help but this is serious 2 people is gone and I don't wann lose you" "Oh oj how sweet of you, but I am serious besides I'm not alone I'm with nickel" "Nickel, really? You think he's gonna help you?, he probably gonna ditch you!" "Well he changed oj even if he ditch me I still can defend myself" "I- I guess ur right... Please be careful paper" "I will" Paper give oj a kiss on the cheek "good luck" Paper left the room.

"Hey nickel, u ready?" "Hell yeah" They walk to test tube lab. They arrived and put on the code that lightbulb told nickel, a door open it looks like a slide. They slide down, it was so dusty and dark down there and there was a bug "A-" "Shush, paper we need to be quite" "Right" They try to find cheesy and trophy. Many room pass and many new things that they see even the most gross thing "hey do you think she actually did it" "Well I heard the trophy conversation, and she's always sweety when we're talking about cheesy, besides look at this things she definitely kidnap them". Paper slipped on a water and knocks nickel down, they make a noise that make test tube check on it. As soon test tube saw them, nickel try to attack her but he's using his feet so he accidentally slipped again. Paper try to stand up and hit test tube but test tube grab his hand and punch him on the face, paper nose is bleeding and while that nickel try to attack test tube from behind, but test tube just throw paper to nickel. They both fell, test tube quickly grab two of them and hit them with a bat like a pinata.

--hour pass--
"Ugh what happened... Where's nickel?" "He's still asleep" "Trophy?!" "Uhhh paper, WTF ARE YOU EVEN DOING" "I was trying to help you guys, ugh don't scream" "HELP US? U LITERALLY GOT CAUGHT" "well sorry" "Ugh whatever" Nickel wakes up "ugh my back hurts" "Oh hey nickel" "We got caught didn't we?" "Yea sorry about that" "How's ur nose" "Good, I guess" "Where's cheesy?" "Yeah trophy, where's cheesy?" "He's... Uhm crying over there" Trophy points at a corner. They walk to cheesy "uhh, hi cheesy, how are you" ".... Bad" Cheesy looks up "oh my god, u look awful" "Shh nickel" "Nickel?" "Yes, can't you se-" Trophy shut his mouth "yes it's nickel and there's paper too" Trophy cut off nickel "how did they get here" "We were trying to help you guys... But we failed" "Oh, thanks for trying, I guess" "Your welcome?". The door open and test tube walks in " Alright, paper and nickel what should I do" While she's looking at her clipboard "right paper, you need to prepare yourself mkay? So here's a protein for you" "Uhh thanks, what about the other?" "They don't need it" Test tube puts on a collar on paper and nickel. "Ew what is this, I'm not a dog, ur the one suppose to be wearing it cause ur a bitch-" Nickel got electrocute "agh, tf" "Yeah try not to do that again kay?" "YOU-" Paper calm nickel down.

--minutes pass--
"Hey what do you guys think when test tube says something about paper" Ask nickel "About the preparing thing? Probably gonna be the next rat" Cheesy answer "rat?" "Ur so fucking stupid, we're here because we're a lab rat" "Woah cheesy, ur a bit different" "Your problem?" "Okay chill". Trophy was seating next to cheesy, cheesy was zoned out, paper was eating his food, nickel was trying to get out.

Omga Im finally writing! And again this is for today sorry for typo and bad grammar!!



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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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