step 2; the gold is gone!

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--At hotel oj--
1 week past, and no sign of cheesy. Paper seems worry about it so he did told oj, but oj looks so busy so he didn't wanna drag him in this problem. Paper went to the lobby (or whatever it is 😢) ask some people that maybe can help him find cheesy. There was only nickel at the lobby so paper ask him "hey nickel, have you seen cheesy before he's gone?" "Well I did saw him that night making something" "Why is he even gone, this is hard" "Kidnap" "What" "As you see I've kinda stalk someone this past week and I've seen that SHE is acting weird whenever we're talking about cheesy" "Who is she?" "Test tube" "Huh, maybe we should keep an eye on her, btw can you help on this problem? " Nickel nodded.

-- meanwhile at the lab--
Cheesy seems not joking around anymore, test tube gave him to much pill. "Now cheesy I need you to try my newest thing I made" "What is it?" Test tube take off his collar an put a tie on him "I've known that nickel been stalking me everywhere I go, so I'm gonna go relax at hotel oj and I control you to kidnap tissue!" "Wtf, what do you even need from him?" "His limbs" Cheesy look disgusted "I'm gonna test it" Test tube grab her phone and press some buttons, cheesy suddenly moving to the right "oh I thought you mean by controlling is electrocuted me again" "I still have that thing yk". They both get out but cheesy was put inside a forest so it looks like they didn't came at the same time.

-- at hotel oj--
"Hey test tube, how are you?" Ask paper "uhm, good ig" "Okk" Test tube went to her room and didn't think of anything about paper and nickel literally watching her. At test tube room "cheesy can you hear me" "Mhm" "Now don't make a sound or I cut you in half" Test tube controlling him as she was playing game. Tissue was always with yin yang all the time so she need a plan. She went out to call yin yang, but suddenly she realize cheesy emotions was different, it was love. Cheesy in a bush was looking at trophy taking pictures, so test tube has another idea. She control cheesy to go back to the Forrest "what are you doing" "I have another plan" She make cheesy went to the lab at his own so she can talk to trophy. She ran to trophy "TROPHY" "WTF don't scream ur scaring the butterflies away you bitch" "Eh sorry" "What do you want" "I need you to help me, about cheesy" "Do I care?" "He's been gone for a week wtf" "Ugh fine" "I need you tomorrow meet me at the forest, 8am" "Mkay". Test tube left and walks to her lab. "

Cheesy actually didn't went to his room but he was making food "what are you doing" Testy ask "I'm making food, u didn't give me breakfast yet" "Last time I check you want to ky$" "Uhm make that to 8/10" Test tube drag cheesy and his food to cheesy room and she put the collar back to his neck. Test tube saw a drawing behind cheesy, it was him and trophy "cheesy, you like someone don't you?" "No" Test tube grab the drawing "what's this and also I see ur emotions changing when you saw trophy" "Don't" "To late" Before test tube left the room cheesy hit her head so hard that it crack, test tube reflect stab his eyes with needle and make his eyes pouring blood. Test tube just walk away while cheesy's crying in pain.

--next day--
Cheesy was just looking at his drawing thinking what is she gonna do to trophy. Test tube was already In the Forrest, trophy just arrived and before test tube can hit him with a bat trophy dodge it and stab her with a knife on the leg test tube hit trophy then grab the knife and stab trophy chest. Trophy pass out so test tube put him inside her bag and drag him to her lab. Trophy was put in the same room as cheesy, she throw him and walked away. Cheesy panic as he open the bag, trophy was bleeding on the chest he don't know what to do and scream at the camera "TEST TUBE YOU BITCH DO SOMETHING HE'S BLEEDING" test tube went to the room and stop the bleeding. 2 hour past and cheesy just waiting for trophy to wake up, cheesy hold his hand and fell asleep with him

--at hotel oj--
"Paper! Trophy is gone"nickel informed "U think it's test tube" "Yeah, yesterday I overhead her talking to trophy meeting up somewhere" "We should do something this is getting out of hand" They told everyone that trophy is gone but didn't tell got kidnapped bc they probably know now that 2 ppl is gone.

-- at lab --
Trophy waking up and see that cheesy was beside him holding his hand, he walk away and try to get out he even hit his head thinking it would work. Cheesy suddenly woke up seeing him trying "no use trophy it won't open" "How would you know" Cheesy show his hand full of bandage and blood "are you feeling well, ur chest" "Huh, oh yea yea I'm alright" The room went silent, suddenly trophy feels angry "you know this is your fault, you make me go here. If YOU at the first place didn't get kidnap I wouldn't be here, maybe if you LOCK UR FUCKING WINDOW. WHO EVEN CARES ABOUT YOU ANYWAY WHY DID I EVEN CAME HERE UGH, CHEESY YOU ASS HOLE".... Cheesy didn't say anything, a tear and blood fell of his eyes and he went to a corner "sorry". Test tube clapping when the door open "Good job trophy ur making my job easy to do now and bonus I don't have to hurt you too!" "What do you mean?!" Test tube giving him a paper the paper was cheesy's drawing. He was shock while test tube putting collar to trophy neck, test tube left and leaving them both in silent. "What does she mean by making her job easier?" Trophy ask cheesy "short way to tell is only to make me km$" The silent was so loud. Trophy walk to cheesy and hug him "I'm sorry" Trophy apologize "Y-yea it's alright" Cheesy face turned pinkish


word: 1122

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