Gods and Monsters

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It's like no time at all has passed before I'm shaking off sand.

"YOU ARE AN IDIOT MARC SPECTOR!" Yes that is the first thing I yell after being freed from sand. Marc, Steven and Jake are all standing around me, Steven also looks full of sand, I'm assuming he sacrificed himself.

"You're welcome peanut." He says, not getting what I mean.

"No Marc, you don't get it." I say.

"What don't I get?" He has some annoyance behind his tone.

"You have Konshu's healing armor, you'll be able to heal and fight Harrow and probably Ammit right away, I'm not the fucking avatar of the moon god Marc! I'm literally going to die in a few seconds again."

"Language." Steven says, I flip him off in return.

It takes Marc a while to respond.

"I have an Idea. I hate it, but it'll work." He says as the gates of Osiris open.

A huge wave of sand starts rolling towards us, but is quickly thrown off by Taweret and her boat.

"Osiris you old softie! Go!" She yells.

"Come on y/n" Marc says and all of them start running, he grabs my wrist and I have no choice but to follow him back to the upper world.

My eyes open and I start gasping for air thrashing on the ground, I hear coughs over in the water as Marc gets up.

God, it didn't hurt this much when I died.

It takes him a full minute before he's suited up in his armor.

"Hey I got you." He says he picks me up off the ground, OW, apparently any movement hurts. Marc heads out of the tomb into the bright desert sun.

"Konshu." I hear him say, the bleeding has stopped, from what I can tell. But god does it hurt.

"I knew you'd miss me." A familiar voice booms. "Wait what is that?"

"That is my daughter, fix her." He says setting me down in the sand, I now hate the feeling of sand against my skin.

"Marc, do you k kw what your asking me to do here?" Konshu sounds nervous. Meanwhile I'm trying to get comfortable laying on the sand, though it's difficult with two bullet wounds going through my abdomen.

"Do it." Marc says.

"Alright, D-" Marc cuts him off.

"No speech, we don't have time for that, fix my kid."

With that I feel all the pain wash away as my body is lifted from the ground. I feel as strips of fabric wrap around my limbs.

When it's all done, I'm wearing a suit somewhat similar to Marc's, same moon blades on my chest though not the weird thing that makes it look like he actually has abs.

"What was that?" I ask.

"I already hate this. We're co-avatars now, temporarily."

"Yeah yeah of course. Thanks Konshu."

"Layla turned you down didn't she." Marc asks Konshu.

"Ammit has been freed." Konshu says, avoiding the question. "I was not strong enough to stop her, Mae Spector, Y/n Spector, I need your help."

"Ah just curious about something." Steven says, now in his own suit. "Oh wow, y/n you look amazing! Anyway, How's this whole new arrangement gonna work then?"

"Steven Grant, I was not speaking to you." Konshu sounds irritated.

"Yeah, all right. But we do come as like a package deal now, so you are gonna have to deal with me. And we did just save your life, so you're welcome for that." Steven says, he sits down in a nearby rock and crosses his legs, it's hilarious. Though Konshu doesn't think so. "But I do think you should answer my question though, How's this deal gonna work?"

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