Chapter 5

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Chappell doesn't let me enter the dining hall, he pokes his head in the back door and is handed a basket of food. I forgot the privileges of working directly for Lord, it's been such a long time since we hung out all together. When I started feeling the need to leave that something more is out in the world, I let our friendship go. Jemmy takes a little longer and returns with a loaf of bread and a small bundle. She frowns at Chappell.

"Do they always give you so much food?"

"Of course," then he seems to realize his share is triple what is suppose to feed us sisters. "Well this is all for you three anyways, after I take you two home I'll find Alexandria."

"She's in the temple." I say offhandedly. "Please at least tell me the name of the one who rescued me."

Chappell looks at me for a long moment before ushering us down the steps. "I believe it was the God Ryen."

I huff, "They aren't gods."

"Jadis! Don't say that out in public!" Jemmy squeals.

"I hate this awful place." I grumble and move ahead of them keeping one hand firmly on the guide rope at all times.

By the time we opened the hide door, my hands were nearly numb again. I groaned as I noticed the fire was barely going now. I added more twigs, and added a little umph to get them to catch right away and warm the small space. Glancing up, a tall figure stood shadowed in the doorway of my bedroom. I shrieked, bringing out the knife I kept hidden.

Chappell rushes into house, Jemmy close behind, they fall to their knees at the sight of the intruder.

The man throws back his burgundy cloak, I can't help the gasp that escapes, it's him. "Th-thank you." I manage to studder. He runs a hand through his light brown hair, which is oddly cut to be shorter on the sides and long on top.

"That wasn't the reaction I had hoped for if I'm honest." He chuckles. His voice, I nearly swoon, it's smooth and seductive, and so familiar. "You may rise," he tells Chappell and Jemmy.

Chappell looks between us frowning, "My revered one, what are you doing down here. I thought you were still in the Temple-."

Ryen cuts him off with a sharp look, "You are dismissed."

Chappell can only bow, and retreat with a glance at Jemmy and I. I don't hear footsteps so I know he's stayed close.

"Would you like me to take your cloak? Or would you like tea?" Jemmy asks as she hangs her own cloak on a peg near the door.

"Thank you, but no. I shall not be staying long. I just needed to see your sister for a moment."

"Oh, I'll go in the other room." She says to give us the illusion of privacy.

He moves closer to me, causing me to back up and trip onto the stone bench. "Owe." I mutter. Ryen comes closer still, and pulls me to my feet, his hand stays on my back. The heat spreads from him like I'm on fire, I nearly check myself to see.

His amber eyes entrap me. I'm stunned silent, something rare for me. How do I know him? My entire body recognizes him, but for some reason I can't place...

"Jadis darling." He begins, I blink confused. He just grins, "I'm glad you're safe."

"Safe." I repeat not comprehending.

He grins tight lipped. "Yes, may I see you tomorrow?"

"Yes." I whisper.

"Goodnight, don't leave your house again tonight. Wouldn't want you getting sick from the cold."

I nod but can say nothing else. Then he's gone, in a blink of an eye.

"Did that really happen?" I call to Jemmy.

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