Chapter 26

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Hours later we're still riding and it's getting hotter and hotter, and making me quite cranky. Which direction is Waypoint anyway? We had made so many turns and twists in the forests that we can't even see the sea or the plains of blue grass. Ryen doesn't know anything about the plants or non skin-changing animals, not helpful as far as keeping the mind busy. I'm about to snap when hear water. Water? I'm excited now, as is Goddess who begins to prance. She crowds Chantry on the narrow trail.

"Geez, control your mount." Ryen glares over his shoulder at me. "We're here." His glare lessens, there is something almost like amusement in his eyes.

Ryen leads us through an arch of giant trees. Through the arch is the big lake we had spotted the other day from the road.

"Wow!" I gasp if I wasn't on top of Goddess I know I would be jumping up and down like a little girl.

The lake is even more stunning up close. We are in a private corner of the lake, it even has a grassy paddock for horses and a covered table. I feel butterflies, and grin at Ryen.

"This is romantic." I dismount, untack and Goddess and turn her loose. I watch her take off bucking around the small paddock before settling down to graze.

Ryen clears his throat, "This is a, a place I like to visit when I'm here. It's not romantic, it's private." He moves towards the water and sits in the sand.

"Did you come here with someone special?" My chest tightens, jealousy flaring up.

His eyes sparkle and taunt me, "Yes. My brothers."

Relief floods through me, "Oh," I sit down next to him and take off my moccasins. "That must have been nice?" I'm not sure what to say exactly, I'm not sure how I should feel about them since my first impressions weren't pleasant.

"Yes, it was." He stares out at the still water.

"Do you miss them?"

He lets out a breath, then stands up and pulls his shirt off over his head. He gives me a wicked grin, before taking off his pants. For a change he leaves his underwear on, much to my disappointment, I haven't had a chance to see him... down there in the daylight. He wades out into the lake, tight muscles flexing from the chill of the water. Oh my, I think I need to cool off just to calm my body down.

Very slowly I slide my dress over my head, wearing only panties I tiptoe into the blissfully chilly lake water. Though it doesn't stop the heat flooding through me when Ryen glances over at me. I see his eyes go wide through my lowered lasses. I know he's staring at my chest, which only partly is covered by my long wavy hair. I grin keeping my eyes cast downward and continue moving into the water until it's covering said chest.

I let myself float backwards, and close my eyes just enjoying the moment. Very not secretly hoping I'll tempt him.

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