Glamrock freddy one shot

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Yes yes it is your turn to comfort my himbo

You saunter into the pizzaplex, you seem to be a bit early. sliding your key in (the one that freddy gave you, or, well, more stole for you) and turning the lock. Your gaze falls onto the desolate lobby. It feels almost patronizing without wading though the river of children 

Closing the door and making sure it's locked behind you, you begin to make your way to your boyfriends room. something feels wrong, like, when you take a bite of something, despite its staleness, you continue because it's something to eat.

Pushing the door open with your hip, a smile splitting your features. You stand there for a moment.

It's empty

This happened sometimes, that didnt stop you from worrying. I mean. There was a murderous rabbit wifey out there. You shuffled from the door frame letting it swing and slap the back of your legs. 

You knew where to head to first. Making the lonely walk to the daycare center, you sensed the odd silence around you, and started picking up the pace. After shuffling around for what felt like, way, too long you made it to the daycare center. 

as you silently cursed yourself for not checking here first, it would have saved you a lot of time. You made your way into the entrance. It wasn't long before you found the daycare attendant, or more he found you, Greeting you with his eternal smile.

"Hello my little ray!!"

You smiled up at the creature

"Sunny! Did you grow?"

He giggled bending down to your level

" No, no, silly, I'm an animtronic, I can't grow, " he replied enthusiastically 

your smile grew, you loved the star, he was so youthful and exciting. Putting a hand on your shoulder he asked,

 "Is there anything I can help you with? I know you aren't here for a chat,"

You frowned, you felt the need to deject, to spare his feelings, but he was correct, you weren't here to chat.

Fidgeting with your hands you answered,

 "You're right, sorry, but I can't find freddy and, and, I am a bit worried, I mean, he's strong and can take care of himself and all but still I-" 

sun cut you off from your rambling, placing his empathetic hand in yours.

"Yes, you may turn off the lights," he answered your unspoken question.

thanking him repeatedly, you awkwardly stumble with the seven-foot creature in tow. 

Apologizing as you flicked off the lights, you pondered why Freddy couldn't be seen on your watch. 

 "Hello, star, it's been a while," you recognized the bite of jealousy in his tone and shifted uncomfortably. 

 "Cut it out emo boy, damn,"

 When you looked up he seemed to be surveying his surroundings.

 "Where is freddy?" Finally placing his gaze on you, bending down so your faces where only a hands width apart.

 "I came to ask you that, gacha boy"

He gasped, placing his hands over his heart in play hurt. You grinned, this was the witty banter you were used to.

 "Me? An, edgy, edgy man? Who enjoys nothing, other than the company of his bestfriend and his annoying partner," 

he whispered, a ' you're not actually annoying it was a slash j' 

Glam rock freddy head cannons (and sometimes one shots)Where stories live. Discover now