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Disclaimer: This is part of an original piece of fiction. It's mine and I worked very hard on it, so please don't take it. Thank you. Enjoy.


The end of the school day happens before I can believe it- and, okay, so I fell asleep in one or two of my classes. It's not the end of the world, and I didn't get written up for it, either. Lucky me.

As Emily and I walk quietly through the parking lot again after the final bell, we pass a few of the guys again.

"You two want a ride home?" Jonathon asks, hitching his thumb over his shoulder toward his truck. I'm not sure why, but he looks concerned. I think he's just tired; I don't want to keep him from getting to take a nap or something. 

I look to Emily for what she wants to do; I know what I'd like, but it's ultimately her decision.

She shakes her head. "Thanks, but I think we'll walk."

I smile, glad she's on the same page as me.

"Suit yourselves," he replies, shrugging. "See you tomorrow."

After we wave he and Kyle off, we turn to each other.

"Ready?" she asks.

"Absolutely, fair maiden," I say, letting my lack of sleep last night seep into my attitude as I slip my arm through the loop of hers. "I do believe it is time to return to the castle."

"My castle, or yours?" she teases, going along with me.

"Most likely mine- I must pack for my approaching journey to the land of New Orleans," I say, referring to Jacks' wedding, which is on Saturday.

"So is that it for the agenda tonight, Miss August?" she asks.

I stop our walking and face her. "Fair Emilia, you know that I prefer to be known as Lady Augustine."

"Do forgive me," she says, pretending to curtsy, pulling out the sides of her long shirt.

"You are forgiven, child," I loftily reply and continue our walk. "If you must know, I am also intending upon taking you to the movie theater to see a showing of one of my favorite films."

"Is it that romantic comedy that just came out?" she asks, looking at me with concern.

"God no. Who do you think I am?" I ask, dropping my medieval accent. "No, you'll see."

"Should I trust you?"

"Usually, no. Now? Yes."



"So how long are you going to be gone again?" Emily asks probably for the third or fourth time since I started packing. I've been trying to answer, but every time I begin, she distracts me again.

It's not her fault; the sun is coming through my window at just the perfect angle and hitting her where she is laying on my bed next to my splayed open suitcase. It's making her hair glow, and I keep getting caught in thoughts of how she looks like an angel, and how I'm the luckiest damn girl in the entire world because she loves me too...

"Yo. Earth to August!" she says, tossing a pair of rolled up socks at me which hit me squarely in the temple, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Are you still in there?"

"Yeah, I'm here," I sigh, picking the socks up off of the ground and carrying them back to my suitcase.

"So what's our weekend look like?" she asks.

"It looks like 'we' won't have much of a weekend," I reply, holding out two pairs of rarely-worn flat shoes in front of me for her to see. "Which ones for the abominable dress?"

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