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seungmin pov

I stared in shock at the magnetic alphabet on my fridge, my mouth open.

h-i :)

I blinked and rubbed my eyes, seeing if it would be gone, but it was still there.

I didn't know what prompted me to do it, but I grabbed two letters, placing them underneath the first one.

I realized how childish I was being and scoffed, turning away. to my surprise, I heard a quiet whisper.

I turned around and saw that there was a new word.


I blinked twice and shook my head no to whoever was messing with me. the microwave started beeping loudly and I jumped.

am I going insane?

why am I completely fine with this?

I looked around, a newfound fear set in my stomach. I frantically kept looking around, but never saw anyone.

I sighed and got up, heading to my fridge.

"maybe something small won't hurt.." I murmured to myself and my lights flickered twice.

I opened the fridge and pulled out the stuff to make a sandwich.

I sat down at the table and grabbed myself a water bottle.

taking a small bite, i chewed thoughtfully, finally swallowing.

I waited for the nausea to set in as I finished the sandwich, but it never came.

I exhaled, relief filling me. I opened my water bottle and chugged it, tossing it in the trash afterwards.

my lights flickered again and I looked up at them, a smile on my face.

why am I smiling ?

I shrugged and grabbed my phone, connecting it to a speaker.

I clicked on spotify and decided to listen to my favorite song.

once the chorus came in, i grabbed a hairbrush and screamed along to the lyrics.

I bounced around, completing happy and unaware of the quiet giggling coming from the corner of the room.

once the song finished, i collapsed onto the couch, gasping for breath.

there was a smile on my face as I grabbed my water bottle, taking small sips out of it.

another song I really liked came on after and I jumped up, that was a mistake.

i felt the familiar nausea return to my stomach and i rushed into the bathroom, not caring to pause my music.

I barely made it to the toilet before the vomit that i had collected in my mouth, covered the water.

I let out a quiet sob, wiping my mouth.

"im so hungry! just let me eat!" I yelled to my stomach, my body shaking with slight sobs.

I sighed and rested my head on the small stool in the bathroom, tears streaming down my face and any traces of happiness were gone.

I eyed a small box that sat in a basket in the shower. i shook my head, but I felt myself drawn to it.

I gave into the urge and started a shower, slowly grabbing the box.


I gently placed a bandage over my wrists, pulling my hoodie sleeve over it carefully.

I rung out the washcloth in the sink, watching the red color wash down the drain.

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