No Way Back - Part 15

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        Your fingers weave together, elbows propping them above the desk. You watch the open doorway closely. The familiar faces of passersby peak in, deciding against sticking around for conversation. Your leg brushes your packed bag as it anxiously bounces. The little voice in the back of your mind chimes in, whispering jumbled murmurs of freedom, a life, death, revenge and a woman with fiery red hair. You cast a glance at the digital clock on the wall. You inhale deeply. Your eyes close. You allow yourself to be caught in the waves of uncertainty and sink into the inky darkness of doubt. You slowly exhale. With the breath goes the negative feelings. Your body stills and numbness spreads within you.

         Knocking breaks the silence. If it's Madeline... your mind flashes the pistol in the drawer to your right. If it's her...this will be the end. Never again... You open your eyes to see a friendly faced young man. His suit is perfectly tailored, a bundle in his hands and a cautiously guarded smirk pulling at his lips. You let out the breath you had been holding. You chuckle, but it sounds bitter to your ears. Simmons, friend, fellow conscript, legal extraordinaire.

"Looks like you might actually get out of here." The professional posture and stern amber eyes break, if only for the moment. You stand, slinging your bag over your shoulder. You playfully push him further inside your room before exiting to catch the elevator. He feigns injury before following closely behind you.

"Expecting Mad Maddy?"

"You know damn well I was. She popped in so delighted last time she was practically bouncing. Sim, if it wasn't you..." He gives you a little push into the elevator.

"Oh, shut up. You're bold but you're not that damn stupid." This time, the laugh spills out a little more easily. You shift so you are standing beside him, facing the doors.

"Do you think they'll go for our addendums?" Now Simmons laughs.

"Damn right they will. After everything that's been happening just in the last 6 months, they won't have any choice." Some tension eases out of your shoulders.

          The elevator chimes and the doors open to the administration level. Individuals begin watching over the tops of cubicles, through the office windows, some standing frozen in the hallway. The clicking of heels from the boardroom ques the arrival of the firm's legal liaison. She smiles as you approach.

"Hello Quinn, the board is ready for you." You nod and enter without a word. Behind you a feeling of friction and angst emanates from the two lawyers. A member of the board clears his throat. Simmons motions to your seats across the conference table. Simmons hands a folder to an aide who begins to disperse the documents within. The board chairman waves off the assistant.

"Now, Quinn, I want to make this as direct and seamless as possible. Simmons has already explained what this packet entails. Given the nature of your... work extension, we have decided to honor the original agreements with the addendums negotiated this week. Your benefits will continue to be provided by the firm as part of your severance and your assets are no longer frozen. The remaining details will be finalized before the end of the day. Do you have any further comments or questions?"


"Is no longer your concern. We have made extensive arrangements to ensure she no longer interferes with your life." You nod, the swelling of relief resonating through the tightly guarded corner in your soul where hope dared to live. Simmons stands and rounds the table, handing the chairman the official document.

"Asset Q6779, you are now released from your duty." The documents are carefully whisked out of the room by Simmons. He gives you a wink as he goes by. Two security officers flank him as he goes out the door. You stand and begin to make your exit.

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