future child!?

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It was a normal day in the heaven realm. But then, something unexpected happened. Your own future child coming in your own timeline? Now here they are, in the arena.,, So" MQ said, ,, who's kid is this?" He asked pointing at Nan feng
,,Ah-,this is my kid,from the future," ,,WHAT!?" MQ yelled at Feng Xin

After Feng Xin explained everything to them bc im lazy and i dont even know what in doing
.,, Ahh, alright." Xie lian finally talked, ,, then we have to find a way to get him back to his own timeline then" Xl said. ,,Say ... who's the mother?" MQ said. ,, That's the problem,he wouldn't tell me" FX said, frustrated.

" A-niang" NF said while holding his hands up to MQ. ,,What..." MQ said while pointing a finger to himself. ,, NAN FENG" someone who sound rather familiar yelled.And to everyone's shock, it's MQ,but,older?. ,, A-NIANG" NF yelled happily while running towards the Older MQ,who,btw,took him in his hands without hesitation.

After holding him for a few mins he [ f MQ ] finally looked around, ,,oh" F Mq finally said.And then out of nowhere someone said something ,, oh wow,this is awkward"someone who is actually Feng Xin ,also older said, ,, let's go" F MQ said after an awkward silence.

,,WAIT!" ,,yes?"
F MQ asked while slowly turning around to look at FX. ,,Why did he called you 'a-niang'?" FX said , ,,bc im his mother,now stop asking questions." F Mq said quickly as if he want to leave the place already.

,,Why?" ,,Bc were married.....?" ,,WHAT?!?!?!?!?" both Feng Xin and Mu qing said ,, let's go" ,,copy that"

and then they went back to they're timeline and Nan feng was grounded

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