ill tell you i love you but i cant [REMAKE]

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Hello! So i actually overslept. Hehe. And here i am! Posting this attempt on making it longer shot. Hope you guys like it!


Mu qing POV.

After i found out that Feng xin and Jian lan had gotten back together. My heart dropped for some reason,I dont know why.. but I was too scared to name this feeling.

Without thinking much, I stormed in Nan yang palace and stifly made my way to Feng Xin's office, and smacked him in the head out of the blue.

"Ow! What the fuck was that for!" Feng xin screeched at me,rubbing his head as he tooked a look at me. "I-..." I couldn't find the words. I just stormed inside his palace without thinking much.What else did I came here for? I decided to put that information in the back of my head as I know I wont remember it(we know damn well you'll remember it.)

"Uhm.... I dont know... I just felt like it." I said bluntly. I dont know what came to me, but that was all I could say before he started talking again.

"Doesn't sound like you. And i know you Mu qing.You wouldn't just came in here to smack my head for no reason or just because you felt like it. So tell me, what is it? Is there something bothering you?" Feng xin sounded worried for some reason.  Why would he be worried for me? He hates me,so stop thinking that he'll be worried for someone like me."Umh... Did you get back together with Jian lan?...." I hesitatently asked. Right, I found out about him and Jian lan and my mind went blank and the next thing I knew was that I was already here and smacked him on the head.
"Uh... Yeah we did.." He said, smiling softly.Seems like he was happy..
Why are you smiling? You should only smile at me Feng xin...I thought you only smile at me and Danxia?Why are you smiling for her too?
"I need to go.. bye." I couldn't help it anymore. I just run out of energy to rant to him about that fact and... And.. I couldn't find the words anymore.. it just.. it hurts so much... I... Dont like this feeling..

I left as quickly as possible. Not even letting Feng xin talk again. I just want to go to bed and cry for a reason I refuse to accept.
Why couldn't it be me?

Feng xin POV.

What was that about? I thought to myself. That's very weird of Mu qing,to stutter I mean. I know he stutter when he is saying f-f-friends,but I never heard him stutter at different word's before. I decided to ask him about that later,I still need to look after Cuocou. Talking about Cuocuo, I need to ask Jian lan something too.

*Knock knock*

"Jian lan?" I said, knocking repeatedly.I decided to look around as I wait for her to open the door.
"Im coming! Just wait a second!" I heared through the door.I tapped my shoes on the floor as I wait patiently.

"Ok,so here's what you have to do..." Jian lan started.As she told me what to do and what not to do, I tooked cuocuo from her arms as she also got ready for wherever she's going. "Alright,got it" I state,sure of myself that I can take care of one measly ghost fetus. Where is she even going anyway that she needs me to babysit?  I decided to brush it off, considering it aint even my business, I'm just gonna look forward for today, only me and my son having to bond for the whole day.

"Alright Cuocou. Now that your mom is gone, what do you wanna do?" I asked Cuocuo, chuckling at myself a little bit. Feeling a little bit cheeky as I seemed to be talking to myselft considering cuocuo wint be able to talk to me as he cant talk.

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