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// Not Edited!

It was Tuesday morning and the Ziegler's were driving to the Aldc studio. Maddie had her earbuds in listening to Melanie Martinez ;), While Mackenzie was chatting about school.

'Gosh, I can't wait to see Chloe.' Maddie thought with a smile on her face. Her smile soon faded as she saw Chloe and some random girl talking looking like they were flirting actually. Maddie sighed and leaned back not wanting to get out of her mother's car.

"Mads, come on!" Mackenzie ushered Maddie out of the car as she grasped her arm. Maddie rolled her eyes and got out of the car looking around.

Brooke and Paige soon came up to the sisters making Mackenzie grin. Kenzie hugged them so tight like she was dying or something. Maddie chuckled and hugged them before looking back to see Chloe and her mom walking in the studio.

'Stupid Chloe and Stupid feelings' Maddie shook her head and walked in the studio being last as the others already went in.

Maddie sighed before standing infront of the counter Abby and Gianna were at. Abby and Gianna greeted her and Maddie did back with a little smile.

"Good morning, Maddie. Pyramid will start soon" Abby informed her as she nodded and walked into the dancers den.

Paige and her mom were in a conversation, Melissa was talking to Jill, Kendall was probably in the bathroom, Brooke and and Mackenzie were taking selfies and Chloe was stretching. Maddie rose an eyebrow and sighed before popping on the bench and grabbing her papers.

"What's that for?" Holly asked her with curiosity in her voice. Maddie looked up to her and smiled showing her her tests.

"I failed my test and I had to beg my maths teacher to let me retake it" Maddie explained earning a Pat on the shoulder from Nia and Holly.

"That's why you should be home schooled" Melissa butted in making Holly look at her like she's crazy.

"I don't want to be home schooled though, I want to go to school and just get a real education and be with my friends. You don't get that when you're home schooled!" Maddie yelled and everyone looked at them. Maddie clenched her fists and rolled her eyes.

"Do not yell at me, Madison!" Melissa snapped and Maddie huffed and plopped back down folding her arms.

"I do what I want" Maddie mumbled under her breath, Melissa turned to her eldest and tilted her head to her.

"Then maybe you should learn to live by yourself" Melissa spat. Maddie gave her mom a sarcastic smile and began thinking. Did her mother really mean that? Should she learn to take responsibility and be mature enough to live by herself, do what she wants?.

Maddie shook her head and turned her attention to a certain blonde who was talking with her mother. Maddie sighed and put her papers in her dance bag and left the room ignoring her mother's demands to get back in there.

Maddie was about to go into the Studio A, when she bumped into someone knocking them down to the floor. Quickly gasping, Maddie reached down and held her hand out.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I was not looking where I was going. I really apologize!" Maddie rambled and the mystery girl just shook her head and got up with the help of Madison.

"It's okay, I wasn't paying attention to any of my surroundings either" the girl smiled making Maddie sighed in relief and smile back to her.

There was an awkward silence amongst the two girls until Maddie cleared her throat and held her hand for a shake.

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