Star wars kindly ones au

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As you can see this one is a Star Wars au


This is made during the clone wars.

The "Kind" planet is neutral, and has repeatedly said that they have no intentions of changing their status; this is because the "The Kind Hunters" aren't illegal in neither of the Republic nor the Separatists.

The Kind Hunters are specilized hunters that hunt down Kindly Ones for their tails: their tail are  the best tipe of whip or whiplike weapons in the whole galaxy.

The Kind Hunters do not go on the Kind planet because the would be instantly killed; the only hunt the Kindly Ones situated away from Kind.

The Kindly Ones are naturally conscius of their feets, so they alwais hide them in their boots; no one has ever saw a Kindly One fetts.

A Kindly One can only die of suicide, so it has been hundred of years zince the last Kindly Ones had a kid.

Novadays the only Kindly Ones away from Kind are the two ambassadors, their four guards and Asoka. 

The Kindly Ones naturally manifest an armour made of fossil materials on thir bodies.

Th armour is unbreakable, but it naturally comes off from the skin of a Kindly One dead body, or this is what the Kindly Ones say: no one has ever seen a Kindliy One dead body.


Aklex is the quuen os the Kind planet but she's usually out i the space as an embassador.

In the Kind lenguage the word "Sith" is an insult of the equivalent of (cuss word) *whore*.

She takes advantage of the fact that her kind evoluted to be really light when she's fighting.

On her back she can make appear two really resistant wings.

Her tail is so sharp it can cut trought a clone armour.

She can use (like the rest of her kind) bothe the light and the dark side of the force, tought she never uses it in a fight as she only uses her body has a weapon.

When she fight it isn't uncommun for the enemy to stop what their doing to look at her as she "dances" after doing that they don't have time to shoot at her before she kills them.

Half of her eyes is black and the other is white.

Half of her eyes is black and the other is white

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Karl is Alex twin.

The same as his twin, but he has a more violente and brutal strenght related way of fighting.

The same as his twin, but he has a more violente and brutal strenght related way of fighting

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Asoka Tano

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Asoka Tano.

In this AU she's half Kindly One. She's Alex and Karl half sister but no one knows apart from the three of them.

She has the Kindly Ones tail.

She also has the self cosciouness of her feet as a Kindly One despite not having them lake a Kindly One.

She cannot transform, but she can hide her tail, thank to this only the council and Anakin know she's a halfbood.

She cannot die by healt problems or age: she can only die if killed or by suicide.

She cannot die by healt problems or age: she can only die if killed or by suicide

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