Potty Training In A Week? You Must Be Joking!

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First of all let me state right out of the box this method takes 100% commitment on the part of the primary caregiver. If you're a mom who works outside of the home (or a dad if you're to be the primary trainer) you will need to take a week's vacation. What? Take a week's vacation to potty train? You must be crazy!

At this point many of you are probably ready to close this book in disgust. I beg you to read on. You see your child needs your complete attention. You cannot properly use this method if your child is a daycare all then then home in the evenings. Or even if you are going to the mall or the park for the afternoon. There needs to be continuity for at least one week in order for this to work. For one solid week you will be a slave to your child's excretions so-to-speak. You may not go to the grocery store (have someone go for you if need be.) You should not have company over either. Unless of course it's grandma or someone who is merely there to help you in this endeavor--absolutely no distractions. Wow! Is this drastic or what? I mean it. Turn off the television, send your dog to the movies. (Ok I went a little far with that one.) By now you are getting the general idea. You are to be 100% focused on training your child to use the potty.

To set you up I'll explain one of my failures:

It was our fourth child. Yes, Princess Skyler Rose. We needed to visit my mother-in-law mid-training. We drove from Maryland to Ohio. We had a van with a potty seat in the back. I thought we'd be fine. The trip was pretty successful but I had made another HUGE mistake mid potty training. We got a puppy. DO NOT GET A PUPPY WHILE YOU ARE POTTY TRAINING.

How we made it to Ohio without any car accidents is beyond me. It was once we entered the hotel that trouble ensued. While distracted by unpacking both Skyler and Dune the puppy both took dumps in different corners of the room. Nice way to start a trip.

I should have stayed home with just our toddler. I broke one of my own--no TWO of my own potty training rules. I went on a trip and I brought our brand new puppy. Oh the agony! It's a funny story now but a pretty horrible weekend for mom.

I'm going to add it one more time--no distractions. Stay home for one week with nothing to do but train your toddler.

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