my stupid love for him.

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Justin's pov

"Justin" he smiled .

I didn't know if I should let him in or close the door in his face.

He told me whenever he shows up I should reject him.

No matter how broken he looked.

But this was a pain. He needed me. I could see it in his eyes.

I moved away form my door leaving it open.

I turned my back to him a crossed my arms to make him think I was mad even tho I needed him desperately.

I could hear him walking inside.

My heart was pounding so loud I could hear it.

" I'm sorry . I just wanted to see you" his voice came of soft then harden.

" well u shouldn't have" I responded coldly with my back still turned to him.

His foot steps were getting closer to me. I wanted to walk away from him but my feet didn't want to move.

This wasn't right.

I could ruin him if people found out

His head fell on my shoulders and his hands rapped around me.

I could feel his hot breath blowing down on my neck. But I still felt chill run down my spine

" I missed you" he whispered

I wanted to turn around and hug him so badly but I held it together.

It was killing me to not melt into him like we use to, but I had to be the man I am. I loved him and I dont want to ruin his reputation because of my stupid love for him.

" alex" I sighed pulling his hands from around me.

His face lifted off my shoulders and I wanted it back there as soon as I felt it gone.

I turned to face him. He was looking me in the eye and I looked down

" u know we can't do this anymore " I said in a low voice.

Usually he would be the one saying this to me when I go to his house sobbing and wanting his touch.

But now the tables have turned.

" I know" he repiled

He exhaled. It sounded like disappointment.

" I should go"

His voice wasn't loving anymore. It was back to Alexander my boss.

" are your sure. You can stay if u want" I walked up to him trying to reach for his hand but he pulled away and took a step back from me.

" no, it's for the best if we don't sleep in the same house" he repiled walking towards the door

I didn't stop him. He was right. It was for the best.

Massimo's pov

"Where have you been" I snapped at him.

It was 6 in the morning, I was worried sick about him.

" what are you doing in my house ?"

" seriously Alex?. Is that the only thing you can say to me?" I scoffed " didn't u see my miss calls?"

" yes" he replied coldly walking up the stairs.

I didn't know what his problem was but I walked behind him.

" you were with him weren't you"

He paused for a second then looked back at me.

"What did you just say?"

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