Soft Massimo ( Day 1)

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It was already the next day and I stayed up all night reading the list of things Massimo would like to participate in

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It was already the next day and I stayed up all night reading the list of things Massimo would like to participate in.

He likes to be called degrading names like bitch and slut.

He wants me to treat him like a slave, boss him around and spit on him.

My brain couldn't understand why he wanted to be treated this way.

I wanted to back out as soon as I started to read, but I already promised him that I would do it for the week.

The hotel that he booked was far away from here,almost like a 3 hour drive from my apartment.

I didn't mind tho,it was better to go some place where no one would see us together and report it to Alex.

The last thing I want to do is break up the strong bond between them.

I thought about my life choices for a second. Am I a whore by doing this?

Did I have a death sentence ?

The two most dangerous men in the world and I'm playing with both of them like it's some kind of game.

The words Maria said to me came running back to my mind

She was right, I was never too pretty to get devoured. And if I get caught.. if we get caught, then only God knows what Alex will do.

" Lizzy have you seen my flat iron?" mona questioned snapping me out of my thoughts

" Uhh, no. Are you sure you packed it?"

" Yes it was in this blue bag, but now it's missing" she sighed digging through the bag again

Mona was moving into my apartment.

It took alot of convincing but I finally got her to say yes.

" Who's that guy next door?" She stopped looking up at me

" You mean josh?" I frowned putting my phone on the coffee table

" So that's his name" she smirked " he's hot"

" No" I warned her " I think he's screwing my bosses sister and she's bad news"

" I mean he could fuck both of us, she doesn't have to know"  she bit her lip walking towards me " besides I've never seen any woman around"

" That's because they do it in his office at work" I sighed getting up " I have to deal with the trouble of hearing it all the time"

" He must be good if you're hearing her moans.. am I right? " she laughed

" God you're disgusting " I scoffed " do what you want with him just not in my bed okay?"

" Of course, I'll do it in your couch, on the dresser in the bathroom in the kitchen on the balcony in the closet on-"

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