The Diamond Kingdom

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The Spade Prince Matthew had returned to his kingdom around nine months ago, and of course his absence had been felt, despite what the boy would often think.

Queen Lily missed being able to speak with her nephew, who would often play hide and seek with her and her big brother  (the Jack wouldn't admit he had fun while playing, or that he missed the Prince, but he was even less friendly than usual). King Francis missed being able to speak with his nephew, often sharing sweet anecdotes of his sister, who the boy reminded him off.

Noticing their state, the council tried to make the Queen and the King spend more time alone together. They had to made sure to distract the Jack, or else perhaps they could find an arrow or two in their hats otherwise.

Of course, the main way to distract him was simple and true: someone had to check the kingdom's troops, as the Queen wasn't experienced enough for that task.

Their plan was full proof, or so they thought: even when they managed to get King Francis to be on the Queen Lily's room, or the other way around, much of what they did was talk, or even occasionally have tea together.

"Your grandfather's military stories are really impressive, your majesty " Queen Lily said during one of their tea sessions

"you have been reading his books? " King Francis asked "I didn't expect them to be your type "

The little blonde girl nodded "big brother...I mean, our Jack said it would be a good idea to learn the military tactics, and most were developed by him " she said softly.

King Francis smiled a bit "your brother  definitely had a good idea" his grandfather defended all the realms against foreign invaders back when he was a child, and the Diamond Kingdom was the only one that remained unharmed "just don't read any of his tent anecdotes " how those were even published were beyond him.

The Queen chuckled a bit "I'll listen to your advice , you majesty " the girl still didn't feel comfortable calling him her husband.

That was typically how those two would spend their time alone, much to the frustration of the council.

One of the women involved in the council had enough: she volunteered to give a very special talk to the young Queen. Of course, they had to distract both the king and the Jack. It was definitely urgent, seeing she found the girl still brushing her doll's hair.

"Majesty, would you care to accompany me for a walk?" She knew the Queen wouldn't say no.

"Of course, just give me a second " Queen Lily politely accepted. She gave a final brush to Joan and left her next to her bed.

Now the King and the Jack were discussing some rather tedious business, so that gave her enough time to discuss an important issue with the Queen, as both of them walked on the beautiful garden of the palace.

"Your majesty, do you know what every kingdom needs ?" Talking about the issue with the girl wasn't easy, but it was needed.

Queen Lilly thought for a second " Good rulers ?"

"Well, yes..." the girl wasn't wrong "and what do good rulers need?"

"The ability to listen to the council!" It was just like his brother had told her

"That too..." her innocence was unfortunately still a thing "but it also needs a heir "

"Oh...yes, it does " it tended to be an uncomfortable subject, and the King often banned the discussion in her presence.

" child, have you and the king shared the bed ?" Yes, saying it was easier in that way.

Queen Lily shook her head "The King and I don't share bedrooms "

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