Chapter 9: The Plan

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Gale's POV

I woke up and Y/n was already awake, she was stroking my hair and still stuck in my arms that are wrapped tightly around her body.

"Y/n, you're awake!" I said excitedly and sat up.

"Yeah, I woke up not too long ago. Thank you for finding me I probably would have died if it weren't for you" She says

"Of course, I found your camp and I knew it was yours because I saw your jacket, then I found the tracker jacker nest and tree with the knives in it and I knew I needed to find you"

"So, what happened? How did you get teamed with the careers?"

"They told me to join them, and I said no, but then they tried to kill me so I was forced to agree. We were teamed up for a couple of days and the night that they chased you up the tree I offered to take watch all night. Then I let you out of the tree and the next morning Cato and I fought, I knocked him out and then left to find you but I got lost so it took a while. I found you lying in the grass by the river, you were out for like two days."

"Really? what'd I miss?"

"Well another boy and girl died, but the careers went back to the cornucopia and took everything, they made a big camp and they have a huge pile of food and weapons." She nodded "I saw you went hunting, nice job with the snares."

"Thank you, it was hard but remembered how you taught me" 

"Are you hungry? You haven't eaten in like 2 days,"

"It's weird, I'm not that hungry actually." That's really weird, I put my hand up to her forehead, it was super hot.

"Oh, you're burning up, you have a fever," I said

"Oh. I think I have some pills for that, there in my backpack" I get out the pills and have her take two and drink a lot of water. She takes off her jacket and sits in the shade, I have her eat 2 rolls and a beef stick. She starts to feel a little better. She told me everything that happened on her first days here, and I told her about mine.

"Should we destroy the careers pile?" I ask her

"I like that idea, but how would we do it?" She asks

"They planted the explosives around it, in case anyone tries to get into it. If we can make all of them go off then everything will be gone. And they will have to actually do something to win, not just sit around all day"

"Cool, we'll have to get them out of their camp somehow, make a distraction"

"We could use your idea and start a big fire to draw them in, then we could go and set off the explosives with some rocks or something"

"Let's do it. One of us can start the fire, and the other can go to the site and destroy everything."

"Yeah, but who will do what?"

"I could set the fire and then get as far away as possible, and you could go to their camp"

"Okay, let's do it today"

We went out and gathered a bunch of leafy branches that will make a lot of smoke when she lights them. We found three places to start three big fires so that all the careers go to see them and kill whoever made them. We got the piles ready to start, all Y/n has to do is light them and then run as far away as she can from the fires.

"Okay, all you should have to do is set each fire then the next, then the next. Then run to safety. I'm gonna go to their campsite and find a way to set off the explosives, then we'll meet up back at the river and find a new spot to stay. Got it?" I say

Lovers In The Arena \\ Gale HawthorneWhere stories live. Discover now