~Hidden angels~

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~Chapter 2~

Oliver's POV:

Although my team had just won the World Cup this wasn't the time to celebrate.

As different curses where being shot all around me many others fighting along with me back against the death eater I turned the corner to check behind a tent to feel a tug on my pants I look down to see a young boy look up at me teary eyed. "I don't know where my mum-mummy is can you help me." The poor boy said to me.

That's when another spell was shot at us. I was able to pick the young boy up just in time. As I ran away from the now burning tent I still held him in my arms as another spell was shot I had to sit him down to defend us. "Yes I'll help you find you mum. Where did you last see her?" I asked hiding him behind me as I defended us again a death eater. "Well she gave me to Ron because she had to help everyone get back to the Burrow then-then he sat me down and I tripped trying to keep up and they where gone when I got up." I listen carefully. Ron? As in Ronald Weasley, that would most likely mean that Harry was here which was always nice but always brought chaos.

"Well then we can find them it appears the death eater have fled." I said grabbing ahold of his hand as we walked around avoiding fires carefully looking for any of the red heads. That's when I took in his appearance he had brown hair almost identical to mine and his skin my complexion but his eyes where different he had blue eyes not like my brown ones. What a coincidence with how similar to me he even has my jersey on with it on her look almost identical to me when I was about four.

As we walked around trying to find a Weasley or his mum we heard a yelling coming from behind us. "Leo! Leo!" A girl that looked awful familiar came running towards us fire glowing behind her lighting up her facial features perfectly. but I was boughten out of my trance by the little boy I now assumed was named Leo saying. "Mummy! Ron forgot me!" He said running into her arms. "Yes and Mummy's going to have a long talk with him about that later okay." She said picking her son up and holding the teary eyed boy closer to her. That's when I realized who it was.

It was Penny the Penelope Thatcher. The girl i used to have a crush on. Well used to is a strong word. Even with dirt all over her face mixed with her own tears she still looked gorgeous. Why did I not make a move sooner again?

Snapping out of my trance I decided to walk up to them. "Penny! He's yours?" I asked a bit shocked maybe I was her type after all if she found a look alike to me. "Yes I had him of a couple months after Hogwarts. I decided to gloss over how fast she found somebody acting as if it didn't hurt my ego a bit. "Well I would think he's mine by his looks!" I said sarcastic yet still making her visibly tense making me furor my eyebrows but again ignoring it. "Yes I suppose he dose doesn't he." Was all she said pulling Leo to closer to her chest covering her jersey. It looked an awful like mine I gave her to wear back in Hogwarts, Oh well.

I looked down at her hands not seeing a ring so she wasn't married and I assumed since Leo's father wasn't here he wasn't in the picture. I mean even if he was I would still want to be her friend she was always quiet hilarious. "Now I know this may not seem like a good time to ask but. Would you be willing to go out for tea one day?" I asked, I mean I might as well try.

"I suppose." She said pulling out a piece of parchment and handed it to me. "Now we came here with the Weasley's, Mollys probably worried sick. We'll be heading back so just owl me when you have the time." She said smiling at me making me melt slightly as she walked away the fire burning rapidly behind her framing her figure that's when I finally got a good look at she jersey. It was mine...

Penny's POV:

As we walked into the burrow Molly ran past everyone Ginny following behind her both of the pulling Leo and I into a tight hug. "Thank Merlin you too are okay!" Molly exclaimed taking Leo from my arms as she sat him on the couch treating his small cuts a bruises then moving onto me. Examining over my small gashes,burn,and scrapes. "What took you so long!" She exclaimed putting ointment on one of my burns. "Well Leo while he was lost somehow found a way to get Oliver Wood to help him. And Oliver started a conversation with me so I gave him my owler and we should be going out for some tea soon. That is if he owls me." I explained casually. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Molly asked her being the only person to know who Leo's father is. "It's just a cup of tea how much could it hurts?" I said as she cleaned up my finally cut. "We'll just be careful okay." Molly said standing up from the couch. "Now it's getting late you should stay here tonight with Leo as all of the attack rates have gone up tonight. Oh and Goodnight dear." She said finally walking upstairs.

"Alright Leo let's get you to bed-" I said stopping myself as I saw him curled up with Ginny on the other couch. I grabbed a blanket draping it over Ginny and Leo walking over to the other couch pulling a pillow behind my head and a blanket from the back of the couch. I laid there in some of Ginny's soft pajamas falling into a hopeless nights rest hoping to block out the scary events that had just gone on previous that night.

Authors notes:

Words 1060

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