Chapter 3

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Me and Nat drive to the cemetery in our black clothes. Nat is wearing a stunning dress and I am wearing a suit. When we arrive there, we see a lot of Avengers, SHEILD agents, and even some people I don't know. Nat gasps when she sees them, so I'm guessing they are from her past. A blue ribbon is tied to the coffin, showing her autism, which Wanda recently shared with us. Most people have puffy eyes, and I see her parents. I see Thor, suit and all. We gathered around her coffin and after the Priest finishes his boring speech, we each go to say something to Ros.

"Ros, you brought joy into my life, and I can't imagine it without you. We've known each other since the start of our adventure, and even if you're gone, I'll have kids with Vision, as we promised," Wanda moves to the back of the line.

"Ros, I'll honor you till the day I die. You are such a mood and I love everything about you. I'll get that gelato for you, even If you aren't here." Nat moves to the back of the line as she squeezes my hand tightly. 

It's my turn next. I move forward and take a deep breath.

"Ros, you have been a friend of mine for as long as I can remember. We've laughed together, and we've smiled together. I'll smile remembering those amazing times with you." I move to the back of the line, and squeeze Nat's hand. She smiles at me weakly, and we listen to the rest of the condolences.

Most of them are the same as mine, Wanda's, and Nat's, but there is one that caught me. Thor's. It gave me goosebumps.

"Ros, I've always loved you, and I can't believe you died without knowing. I'll always remember the good times, and the bad, as well as the ugly. I will... always cherish the time we have had together, and I hope you'll have a good life in heaven." Thor moves to the back of the line, and as the ceremony finishes after the final message from Tony, I manage to catch up with Thor.  

"Thor, are you still with Jane?" If he says yes then I'm punching him.

"No, when I found out Ros had died, I cried for a long time, but Jane didn't care. She was happy. I couldn't stay with her, and I'll tell you, something Captain. She has the Aether, and she can kill you all. So she blackmailed me. At that moment I realized we had something she doesn't. A bond, we are a team, and we won't be killed by a girl with red liquid inside of her. " He smiles weakly at me and I give him a hug. I felt so bad for everything I ever said, and I run to catch up with Nat. 

When we get back home, we cuddle in bed and we wake up the next day, panting and sweating. I was a little bit happy though. I woke up a few weeks later to the intense sound of her vomiting and quickly rushed over to her. She is crouched over the trash can, and I pat her back as she stops vomiting.

"Are you okay?" I ask her.

She shakes her head and mumbles something that sounds like 'I'm nauseous'. I nod and help her to the car. She looks at me strangely, but I put a finger over her lips. She needs to go to the hospital now. Once we get there I ask the receptionist where to go, and she tells us to go to Ward 7. Once we get there, we are greeted by a nurse called Ari.

Ari does some tests on Nat, and when she finishes, her face is pulled into a smile.

"Well, I see signs of a healed acid scar, which I don't even think is possible, and wonderful news for you if you're planning to start a family. Natasha is three weeks pregnant with twins!" she announces, dropping a bomb.

I try to control my smile but it spreads across quickly. Nat's face lights up as well and Ari smiles as she hugs her and kisses me. She tells us to come back in three months for the gender test. Nat and I spend the next three months debating names and shopping for things and decorating rooms. We bought blue and pink things, but if the gender results are something else, we'll stock the other things for Wanda. (She is two months pregnant!) 

Three months later, we find ourselves in front of the hospital, Nat a little fatter and with two names, Sarah and James. Ari invites me to sit down, as she does the test on Nat. I wait and fidget, and Ari finally finishes.

"Your babies are..."



A cliffhanger guys, sorry.  I hope you are enjoying this story so far and feel free to give me some feedback! 

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