Ch 8. Ava

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"The route is not at all complicated. But it's so much easy that there's a chance that it will complicate things while escaping, trying to not want to blow our cover."- Sasha explained.

Tiffany requested me not to tell about her plan about leaving the council.

Apparently, she has a plan. Or that's what I want to believe, for now.

The task in front of us is more important.

That is what Tiffany wanted to focus on, for the time being.

I don't want to think about losing her.

"Well, yes, a simple route will provide better transparency of movement and that can put us in a bit of disadvantage."- Tiffany nodded.

"But we can always disguise ourselves!"- Harmony's lips pulled onto a smirk.

"And I can always play with the lights and cameras to mask our tracks."- I smiled.

"We count on you Ava, for the most of the technical part. And Sasha is quite adept at getting us out. But the rest of it depends on how the three of us work together."-Tiffany addressed.

"We can do anything, I believe so!"- Olivia squeezed Harmony's hand.

"About the plan, we can go for the distraction and securing the target approach. That will save us time. We need to save up on time, since it's a competition. And moreover that will be discreet enough. It's not like our opponents know us."- Tiffany reasoned.

"And it just might be better if we split up during escape. The one who gets the ring should definitely leave first."- Harmony added.

Yes, splitting up can get us a better cover and escaping alone is easier than escaping in a group.

We always split up in emergencies.

Hyunjin believes that splitting up while working on the same task requires a greater amount of trust and confidence.

And that only closely knitted groups can split up and still get back together for the sake of perfect completion of the task.

"Who'll be distracting?"- I enquired while I checked the ear pieces. I'll need to get a new set, I mentally noted.

"I think that Tiffany will be able to secure the ring better than any of us, so, I and Harmony shall distract."- Olivia offered.

Tiffany gave a slight nod and proceeded to check Sasha's route maps.

"What happens if anything gets out of control?"- Sasha asked me.

"I take the responsibility."- Tiffany didn't even look up from the screen.

"We all take the responsibility!"- Sasha clapped back.

Tiffany didn't argue.

"Hey there!"- A voice resonated from the doorway of our cabin followed by a couple of rhythmic knocks.

Hyunjin stood in the doorway with Jeongin peeking behind him.

"Oh hi!"- Tiffany glanced at them once and continued to do whatever she was doing.

"So, we dropped by to see if you need help with anything!"-Hyunjin offered as he walked upto us.

Jeongin nodded.

"Tell us about the party."- Harmony's voice came out shriller than normal.

"Well, one thing that we gathered is that the people attending the parties are kind of into clubbing, so, the party will be like a makeshift club scene."

"Okay, we got loud music, that will help!"- Olivia noted.

"Did we get the invite?"- Sasha asked as she completed checking the track records for the third time now.

"Yes, we did, and they think that we boys will be doing the task, they've got no clue. Anyway, what else can we do?"

"We'll need fits. Outfits. It should help us perfectly mix in the crowd. In no way should our outfits make us stand out than the rest. But it shouldn't be that plain to garner attention. You know what I mean?"- Tiffany had finally closed the tab and came out from behind the desk.

"Oh, outfits can be arranged well and good, we have our Jeongin to assign it to you all. Wouldn't you be able to?"- Hyunjin turned his head at him expecting an answer.

"Oh yes! Is there anything you'll prefer? Maybe a color or any accessories? Or even the fabric?"- Jeongin conversed.

"How about fishnets?"- Tiffany had offered.




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