Ch 14. Tiffany

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"Hey! Over here!"- Olivia waved at me.

I spit out the ring on a napkin as I walked towards them.

The banquet hall looked luxuriously decorated.

Everything and everyone seemed to shine.

I clutched onto my pendant for the assurance that I needed.

"Yeah!"- I said breathlessly as I lifted the ring that peeked through the folds of the napkin.

"Are you okay?"- Harmony put her hand on my left shoulder.

"No I'm not."

How can I be okay?

I nearly blew my cover.

Who were those people?

And who was that man?

He was definitely one of the Gods.

"You're not hurt are you?"- Olivia took my other hand.

"No I'm not, and let me just wash the ring first, okay? I'll be back!"- I stretched a smile as I crept away.

I'm not feeling well.

I need to get away.

I can't stay here.

I'll deliver the ring and lay low for now.

I took a step into the banquet hall again, the golden ring glistening in my hand.

"Hey! What happened?"- Ava came to me as I walked further into the hall where the others are.

"I don't know but I think that I met one of the Gods."- I said in a hushed tone, worried someone might take my words in a wrong way.

"Wait, who? Death?"- She reciprocated.

"No, it was not Death, then it was some other God, I'm not sure who he was. And I didn't look him in the eyes, so I wouldn't have known who..."- I got cut off by the sound of laughter of the person who I didn't want to hear again.

I saw Chris.

Then I saw him.

Kim Namjoon.

"Tiffany?"- Ava squeezed my hand.

"What is he doing here?"- I whispered to myself more than to her.

"Well, I think that most of them are here.."- She looked really anxious.

"What???"- I whisper yelled.

Suddenly, Chris and Namjoon stopped talking and took a glance at me.

I felt my feet hurting more.

Shouldn't have worn the stilettos.

I looked back at them.

But I didn't smile.

I reassured myself that I'm safe.

He doesn't know that it's me.

He knows my existence but he doesn't know my identity.

I repeated this in my head again and again as I took measured steps towards them.

"Let me introduce you to the leader of the Dark Crown..."- Chan started to say with a smile but I had to cut him off.

I can't let him know that I'm Flame.

They'll be smart enough to make the connection.

"It's Tiffany!"- I put on my faux smile.

Dark Crown | a Yeonjun FF | Part 1 Complete Where stories live. Discover now