There she is, strolling down the isle sitting in front of everyone to look at to imagine picking up and taking home to show their mothers and then lead her on, sitting in your room next to you while you play on your mobile phones no not me, me when I see her I think about all the others I've had how many will this make, I can't wait to get her and put her in thstn the jar like the rest, look at her as the sun gleams in through the clouds showing shining on her face, telling me her story.
Through my eyes I see everything she's seen felt her pain and now the bliss sitting together laughing, cuddling, placing her back in her jar, my own little secret, I wouldn't say it's dark but, that's my opinion.
You see Penny, She's young she's shiny and beautiful, When you have her, she's a burden you can't wait to fit her through the gap in the machine watch her slide down and hit every bar on the way down and hope you get what you want afterwards.
Someone walks past me swooshes their coat in front of my face and drops a pack of cigarettes on my lap fool, I'll keep that for later!
And off he strolls in one swift motion the young man grabs Penny by the tail and adds her to his collection never to see another person again.
The Small Town Murders
Short StoryA short story Based on the bigger picture. In a delusional world you'll be hearing more about our main character.