Forgotten (A.U.) Pt. 1

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Somewhere among the multiverse a young girl Toga kimiko with black hair with red stripe was looking depressed as hell ever could. She join the league of Villains for a greater cause they managed to win against the heroes plugging the world into chaos. But she felt something was missing... someone rather important to her. Whenever she tried to remember the said person but she couldn't even put the image in her head that remain blank.

Toga kimiko:(thoughts) Who was he? Why do I feel sad....why does it hurt?

She can vividly remember that she would love to spend time with that someone they would have the time of their lives destroying the hero's reputation. They have some good ideas...some bad....but they were the best things that her messed up life has given her. Whenever the league sees her in her state they can't even figure out why she's in her saddened state.

Toga kimiko:(tears) Who was he?

She starts to see silhouettes of the person that she deeply fell in love with the very person she would spend the rest of her life with as each faded memories began going through her as she tried to remember.

Toga kimiko:(crying) He needs me.....I need him!! Please god don't let me lose him....

She opens her eyes in a unknown location she sees a beautiful door in front of her.

Toga kimiko:(confused) What....where am I?

Unknown:[ You want to see him again?]

Toga kimiko heard the mysterious voice that came from somewhere else. She grabbed her head in pain as if a certain memory surface of her and "him" kissing each other with passion of love.

Toga kimiko:(crying) W-who is he? Did we have something for each other?

Unknown:[Someone very important to you.... Your love has gave you access to cross into a place that doesn't even exist...]

Toga kimiko:(frustrated) I don't have time with your f****** riddles strange voice!!!! I need to find him!!! I want him back!!!

Her tears flowing down her face as she truly believes that the person who she needs back into her life. She wanted those feelings and memories to return to her. The main thing she desires was to be reunited with....

Toga kimiko:(crying) Zuzu.....

Toga remembers the cute nickname she had given him as he blushed red in forty shades of red. Her head was now hurting more than ever.

Unknown:[If you desire.... fulfilled the trials that awaits you....then only you can be rewarded.]

The beautiful door began to open she sees that the only chance to find her true love was to complete the challenges ahead of her. She pulled out her knives ready to go down with a bloody fight.

Toga kimiko:(determine) Zuzu... I'm going to save you.... please wait for me.

She dashes at incredible speeds to the door as she was about to face the most challenging temptations. Her determination to bring her special someone back to life. While she was running a thought unconsciously goes in the back of her mind.

???:(smiles) I promise I will always love you forever..... goodbye..... Kimiko.

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