‼️ Blame ‼️

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Everyone burst into tears meanwhile Doctor & Nurse trying them to clam down including Mr.Jeon because if he cries more like them then who will take care of them.

After half an hour Taehyung woke up finding himself alone...he quickly jumped out of the bed searching for his family...but Jungkook came quickly when he saw Taehyung woke up...who was going to come out so he rushed into a hug...holding Taehyung tightly not even letting him to move and Taehyung spoke.

Taehyung : Jungkook let me go...you are hurting me...please leave me.

Jungkook : Sorry! I was just too excited to see you concious.

Taehyung : Aish nothing happened to me...but I don't know why my right arm hurts...wait-where-is mom & dad!?

Jungkook frozed...he just don't know how to tell the older that his mom & dad both are dead.

Taehyung : Ya!!! Are you mute or what!!! Jungkook stop scaring the hell out of me!!! Please tell where they are!!??

Jungkook : Dead.

Taehyung : What??? Jungkook it's not time to joke okay!!! And what type of joke is this!!! It's a rubbish joke!!! Since when you become this much bad!!! Seriously " dead " is joke to you Jungkook!!! Specially I didn't expect you to joke like this and about my mom & dad!!! Seriously!!! Are you out of your mind!!! Are you seriously Jungkook whom i know!!! Just leave!!! I don't wanna see your face!!! *angry tone*

Jungkook just let him say what he wants...he don't know how to explain...he also can't believe this will happen and specially with his precious Taehyung who will lose his family in this young age...he just want to take time back and correct what wrong happened with his Taehyung...Suddenly tears flowing from his eyes...which made Taehyung believe something is wrong.

Taehyung : Jungkook I didn't mean to be that much harsh on you but it doesn't mean you will tell rubbish joke about my parents i feel hurt too...you are younger than me that doesn't mean you don't know joking about dead is bad!!!

Jungkook wiped his tears and tell something which Taehyung wasn't expecting.

Jungkook : Tae i'm sorry but i'm not joking. *Distressing tone*

Taehyung : Jungkook please tell me you're jo-ki-ng. *Nervous tone*

Jungkook : I'm not Tae!

Taehyung : No...please tell me you're joking!!! Jungkook- plea-- *burst into tears*

Mr.Jeon : I'm sorry Taehyung but he is not joking...your father is spot dead when the accident occured and you was unconscious so you didn't know about it and-

Taehyung : wait- m-o-m ??? *Uneasy tone*

Jungkook : I was going to tell about her only...she is dead too because of serious head injury but before dying she talked to us even ask for you but you're were unconscious...i'm sorry i can't protect your parents...I'm sorry *Apologetic tone*

Taehyung was like he don't know how to react...he just frozed...he just wanted to see his parents dead body but unfortunately his father body was now ash due to explode of the car...but he can atleast see his mom dead body which maybe little enough for him.

Taehyung : I want to see my mom d-e-a-d body please!

Mr.Jeon : Okay...let's go.

Mr.Jeon took Taehyung & his wife and son with him to see Taehyung's mom in mortuary.

Before going close to the body which is wrapped by white cloth he took few deep breathe and went near her body and took the white cloth away from her face with his cold hands and his tears flowing continuously without any crying sound...his hands were becoming more cold and his pale face make him look like he is just a body without any soul which make Jungkook worried...after touching his mother face he spoke.

Taehyung : I'm sorry mom...it's all my f-a-u-l-t...*burst into tears* Mom!!! please i'm sorry...please come back!!! I'm alone without you...dad left me now you too!!! please I want you both to come back even though it's not possible...i don't know what i'm telling...i-just-want-y-o-u and dad b-a-ck!!!

Jungkook : It's not your fault Tae...and we are with you...please don't cry.

Taehyung : Jungkook it's all my fault!!! If i don't agree with going out for amusement park...the accident won't happened...they-they-they *hiccups & crying messily* they won't die!!!!!!

Taehyung burst into tears...crying messily...don't know what is happening...he still can't believe it happened...he just thinking why god is so cruel with him...why he took his parents away from him...just one question roaming in his head that "why"???

Jungkook kept watching him he is also crying messily to see him in this condition like he is totally looking dead body...but which most hurted Jungkook was seeing the most happy person Taehyung...a boxy smile boy who is now more than sad...crying messily having red eyes, pale face, cold hands, weak & thin body.

After few hours crying beside his mom dead body...he is asleep even he wanted to stay awake but his weak body not letting him too...so he fell asleep in Jungkook arms who came fast to hold Taehyung who was going to collapsed soon in the floor so he quickly hold him and make him sleep in his arms holding him tight...which make Mr.Jeon & Mrs.Jeon heart melt...eventually they all fell asleep.

What's going to happen next???wanna find out??
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And I'm sorry for rare updated as per I'm in 10th grade so you know how much pressure of study...hope you all understand me...I will try my best to post more updates whenever i will get time~

Love you all ;)

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