Roles of different species, warnings, and some writer's notes I have.

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This is my new story! I decided that I wanted to make a story containing supernatural beings and humans. This will be interesting for me to write. I hope everyone who reads this story likes it!


1. Angels: Highest role in most societies (They can live forever and cannot be killed unless by their own kind.), they have a halo that floats above their head, big white fluffy wings, normally blonde or white hair, but very rarely any other colour, and they normally have blue, green, red, or purple eyes, but very rarely any other colour.

2. Demons: Second highest role in most societies (They can live forever if not killed by their own kind.), they have horns on their head that can be red or black, big black fluffy wings, and a tail, they can have the same coloured eyes as angels.

3. Half angel/demons: Third highest role in most societies, (They can live forever, and can only be killed by their own kind) they are the rarest species, we do not know much about them, but they have gray wings, a dark halo, and crimson horns, can only have green, blue, yellow, or red eyes.

4. Vampires: Fourth highest role in most societies (They also live forever unless killed.), can have a few different colour eyes, and they have sharp and long canine teeth.

5. Wizards, witches, warlocks: Fifth highest role in most societies, are closely related to humans, but have more physical and mental abilities, as they can use magic, any magic, and they have sightly pointy but short ears, can be born by a human (Can only live for a max of 500 years).

6. Fairies: Sixth highest role in most societies, have wings and long pointy ears, can only use light magic unless they find a way to use dark magic, can only use one type of magic and can change types only once in their lifetime (Can live forever if not killed.)

7. Any type of part animal part human hybrid: Seventh highest role in most societies, can be part dragon, bunny, wolf, cat, dog, basically any animal, can only live for around 2,000 years if part dragon, and if part anything else, they can only live for around 350.

8. Elves: Eighth highest role in most societies, are similar to fairies, only difference that they have from them is that they have no wings, and they can only ever use light magic (Can live forever if not killed)

9. Humans: Nineth, and last role in most societies, have no magic abilities, and no special physical features. (Rules over the Kingdom of Ornardia)


1. Kingdom of Edalialis: Ruled by angels, strongest kingdom out of all the kingdoms.

2. Kingdom of Kedniya: Ruled by demons, is second strongest out of all the kingdoms.

3. Kingdom of Grodaan: Ruled by half demon half angels, third strongest out of all the kingdoms

4. Kingdom of Afojinti: Ruled by vampires, is fourth strongest out of all the kingdoms.

5. Kingdom of Falilias: Ruled by wizards, is fifth strongest/weakest out of all the kingdoms.

6. Kingdom of Kaerawyr: Ruled by fairies, is fourth weakest out if all the kingdoms.

7. Kingdom of Zudalia: Ruled by part animals part humans, is the third weakest out of all the kingdoms.

8. Kingdom of Ybeiswen: Ruled by elves, second weakest out of all the kingdoms.

9. Kingdom of Ornardia: Ruled by humans, weakest out of all the kingdoms.


1. There is a lesbian couple (The main couple) and will probably be more LGBTQIA+ couples in this story so don't read of you are uncomfortable with this. (THIS IS FOR THOSE WHO DIDN'T READ THE TAGS)

2. Kind of cheesy romance (???), I think it's kind of cheesy

I do not have any other warnings but let me know if you have any that would be a good idea to add for new readers.

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