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Tanner and Nick have been good friends for years. They would call each other on Discord everyday. They would have goofy moments and conversations with each other, making both of their days better. They would also be in calls with their other friends, having the best and funniest moments of their lives.

They were very close, and shared video ideas with each other plus possible twitch stream ideas. They were in a call at 2am brainstorming about what they could do for their audience to enjoy, and for them to bond more and have fun as well.

'Hmmm.. what about something to do with the gym? We're always working out, plus the fans have been wanting a workout video!' Said Nick in a excited way. He's had a fitness video in his mind for a while, and to do it with Tanner sounded like a lot of fun. His best friend would be right by his side, giving advice to their fellow viewers who would like to start including working out into their daily lives.

'That doesn't sound too bad! We could actually do it!' Tanner said smiling. 'What if we stream it too? It would be like a behind the scenes vod, and you will have the more professional and edited video!' 'Huh thats actually even better than just one video alone.' Nick said rubbing his chin thoughtfully. 'You think you can fly over next week? If your free of course. I'll rent out the gym for just the two of us! No interruptions from other people!'

'Hell yeah! I'm free all next week, as long as I don't get COVID 10' Tanner laughed. Nick chuckled and shook his head, smiling. Nick loved his friends jokes, maybe a little too much. He's been really enjoying the time they spend together alone recently and has been feeling something else for his best bro. He doesn't know what this feeling is yet, but it makes him feel really happy whenever Tanner is around. He doesn't mind showing his emotions towards him, but it has puzzled him for a while. He doesn't think much about it and just shoos it away in his thoughts.

'Alright man get your big ass over here in three days, we'll then see when we can make these videos a reality.' 'YES SIR' Tanner says while saluting. 'Alright dude it's been a bit, it's 3:30am and I got to go to the gym early tomorrow.' 'Same, do you maybe want to sleep call for funsies?' Tanner said in a jokingly seductive tone. Nick yawned, 'sure babe' he replied back half jokingly.

They both are now on their phones on Discord, laying comfortably in their beds. they have their phones by their head, giggling playfully. They both stop after a few minutes and close their eyes to get ready to sleep. They can hear each other's breathing, that was somewhat comforting to them. T was facing the ceiling, while Nick laid on his side. Tanner really liked whenever they did these sleep calls. He wished he could do it in real life, laying next to his friend and feel his warmth. Hold him close and just sleep together- friends can do that too right?

He felt his heart race with the scene he made up in his head. He breathed in deeply. It brought him a lot of happiness and positive thoughts. He really loved his best friend, his platonic love overflowing the bucket of friendship and spilling into a romantic love one. He's had these feelings for a while. He hasn't told anyone, feeling that others would be a little thrown back and judge him. He also didn't want to ruin his friendship by telling the shorter man the way he made him feel. It was a scary thing to think about so all he could do was imagine his life with him. He would push these thoughts way back in his mind but they would always come back.

T snaps out of it and opens his eyes. He turns his head to take a quick look on his phone. He could hear Nick breathe more slowly with a steady rhythm. He has fully fallen asleep. Tanner smiles, and gets more comfortable, now laying on his side to face his phone. He closes his eyes once more and falls asleep in minutes.

Three days later ✈️

Tanner has made it to a New Jersey airport. He texted Nick.

BigT: Hey babe I made it 😳
Nick 😍: that's great baby 😏 I am by the food court, I'm coming 😋

Tanner waited for Nick, excited but nervous. He felt butterflies in his stomach. He has met up with Nick before with all his friends, but this was his first time with only him and Nick. He scanned the big airport, hoping to spot him first and surprise him. As he was searching he felt a tap on his back. He turned.

It was him. Nick was in front of him. His heart filled with joy and hugged the smaller man. He hugged back, letting out a surprised gasp as he felt his feet leave the ground. Tanner was lifting him while hugging him at the same time. Tanner lifted Nick so he could rest his head on Nicks chest. Nick laughed and blushed a little. He was loving every second of this until Tanner put him down. Tanner put his hand at the back of his head and blushed a little, turning away so Nick wouldn't see his slightly red cheeks. 'Sorry about that I uh got a little excited,' followed by a nervous laugh. 'No it's fine, I would've done the same thing if you weren't bigger than me,' he said with a slight laugh. T looked at his friends and laughed as well. They looked at each other for a few seconds, admiring each other's features that they have not seen due to discords video call quality. When Nick caught himself staring he cleared his throat 'Alright big boy it's time to get going, Let's go home.' Tanner nods and follows him to his car.

Hours later 🕚

They've been chilling at Nicks house, playing pool, hanging out with Misty, joining calls with their other friends using Nicks computer. Isaac, Larry, and Grunk were jealous and wished they could be there too but they were busy all week. They have been posting flirty photos like holding hands or holding the other thigh on Twitter all day. They low key have been doing it with a serious love for each other deep down without each other knowing. They would look back at the photos when the other wasn't looking and feel their hearts flutter. If only they knew what intentions they were really doing these with.

A few hours later they were tired from the fun they had. Nick only had one bed and started to speak to Tanner who was sitting on the couch on his phone. 'Hey T, do you want to take my bed tonight? Since you are a special guest in my home right now? I can sleep on the couch.' He said making a sad face jokingly. Tanner thought about the other day when he was thinking about cuddling with the shorter guy. His heart began to race again and with all confidence jokingly said 'Babe it's ok we can sleep together, I want to hold you tight.' With a smirk.

Nick looked away pretending he had to go to the kitchen. He was really trying to hide his tomato red face. He was flustered by Tanners words and it did something it him. Him sleep with me? He's joking but it doesn't sound too bad... 'Sure cutie I'll be there with you and cuddle' he shouted back. He tried to calm himself down by the sink . When he was about to turn back to get back to Tanner on the couch, he felt some strong arms go under his knees and back. He was off the ground again by Tanner. He has lifted him up bridal style, and he tried his hardest to not blush like before. He looked at Tanner who had a smile on his face and let out a small laugh. 'Let's go to bed now it's late sweetie,' with a wink. Nick knew that he had to be joking like usual and tried his best to say confidently 'sure hon let's go'. T walked to Nicks bedroom and laid him on the bed.

Nick told Alexa to dim the lights while Tanner climbed on the bed. Without hesitation he laid behind Nick, his chest on his friends back. He laid an arm over Nick and gently pulled him in. Nick was beet red, but was relieved that Tanner wasn't facing him to see his face. He's never been spooned before but this was actually really comfortable and relaxing. He liked it a lot. The warmth he felt made him sleepier than ever before, his heart beating fast, and they both said their goodnights.

'Goodnight Nick..'
'Goodnight Tanner...'


Woo first chapterrr!! I hope you all like it! There's spicy stuff coming soon
I have not revised this so sorry for any mistakes.

I have not seen any Nick and Tanner Wattpad moments so why not write my own :)) yep I have pretty good idea for next chapter 😳 that's all !! 🫶🫶

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