Hijacking a Submarine (7)

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Over the radio we hear that a Decepticon has been seen. I curse when seeing it's Barricade.

"Bee?" I say. Bee begins to speed up.

Suddenly, Bee partially transforms, which causes his blaster to go over me.

"You're out of your mind!" I yell.

We finally get to the museum and get on. Berton says he won't be coming with us, but Cogman is.

"You're not leaving us with this four foot psychopath." Cade says.

"I prefer the term sociopath." Cogman looks at his master.

Viviane places her hands on the steering handle and the ship kick starts. Cade pushes Cogman out of the way to see through the snorkel. Cogman pulls a gun out on Cade and I force his hand down. The alarm goes off after a few minutes and we follow Cogman. The ship suddenly goes straight up and we hold on as we dangle from the pipes.

We watch as the ship turns and we hold on as it hits the submarine. We fall and I get up pretty quick. Cogman walks in and I watch as he pulls Cade's hand off of Viviane.

"Hands off! There is a time and place for everything. This is not the time nor the place." He says as if disgusted.

Cogman suddenly walks away and torpedoes himself out of the submarine. "That lottle sicko just shot himself out like a torpedo!" Cade yells.

"I know I saw it!" Is the smart ads reply Viviane gives him.

"Those are your people." I say glancing at Viviane. I walk into a different area of the sub, looking for anything that I can use to see out.

3rd Person POV

As (Y/N) feel the talisman crawling around under their shirt, they walk around to find a mirror. When they do, they lift the fabric on their torso to reveal the metal object crawling across the surface of their skin, as if always ready to protect the person it's on.

At the sound of a flame, Viviane turns to see Cogman standing over a table with fancy white plates and silver cutlery.

"Cogman! What's all of this?" She asks as he stands there lighting candles with his finger.

"End of the world. I thought a meal, a last meal would be in order." He replies. "Get (Y/N), they also need to eat."

Viviane and Cade wander to find (Y/N), but find them in front of a mirror with their shirt up.

"That thing's crawling around a bit. What's it for?" (Y/N) raises their head when they hear Viviane.

"Not sure, it's protected me a few times though."    (Y/N) glances at Cade, who's staring at their chest.

(Y/N) puts their shirt down as Cade speaks. "The psycho made us something to eat." (Y/N) nods and follows them from where they were.


When we all sit at the table, there's an awkward silence, and all of a sudden, both Viviane and Cade blurt out things about their family. Cade asks Viviane what her grandmother is always telling her.

"Get a boyfriend. Go on a date." She says.

"Is this a date?" Cade asks, seemingly ignorant of my presence.

"I am still here you know. There's so much tension between you two it makes me want to gag." I say as Cogman walks in with plates of food.

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