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𝙾𝚗𝚎 𝙼𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚑 𝙻𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛...

Afina is happily serving customers at her waitressing job, carrying different plates and beverages to and from the kitchen. She heard the cooking crew communicating in the back as they sent out orders and Miss Afina is doing her job swiftly. "I need a stack of pancakes and scrambled eggs, please." She called to the chef.

"Coming up!" The chef replied, pots and pans clattering constantly.

Baird wipes her hands on her filthy apron and leaned over the wooden counter. Since her arrival to Manhattan, Afina had gotten her own apartment and changed her appearance with a brand new identity-- a new life like she'd hope. Her dirty blonde hair has been cut abover her shoulders and dyed a chocolate brown shade.

"Jade!" A female co-worker called out to Afina. 'Jade' is Afina's false name, a name that has been getting her by for the past month.

'Jade' looks at her close co-worker, Raquel, who is the chef's daughter. "What?"

"Table 5 needs more orange juice." Says Raquel, gesturing toward it in the lobbing as she is holding a stack of nasty plates in her hands.

"Got it!" Afina said, coming off of the counter and going to go look for Table 5. As soon as she grabbed the pitcher from the kitchen, she made her way to the occupied table with a young man and woman. "Well, well..." Afina started, placing a hand on her hip, recognizing a regular that comes in about every week. "If it isn't Casey Jones."

The handsome young man grinned at Afina with yet another girl sitting across from him. Last week, he was with a very nice Strawberry blonde name Lucia. Now, he is taking a blonde out for breakfast this morning. "Morning, Jade." Casey says. "How's your day been so far?"

"Tiring already." Afina-Jade replied, pouring Casey and his breakfast date some more orange juice.

"Maybe you should take a nap." Jones joked with her.

Afina scoffed, chuckling at her regular customer. "Ha-ha...very funny. I plan on it, too."

"Awesome." Says Casey.

"Hey, I gotta carry on with the rest of my shift. I'll catch yah later." Afina waved at Casey and his date before retreating back to the busy kitchen full of madness and hilarious communication.

Raquel, the brunette with long wavy hair and brown eyes came next to Afina behind the counter. "He's cute." She says as she organized some clean mugs. Raquel was referring to Casey Jones at Table 5, the one that sat near one of the best windows to a great view one of the many busy streets of New York.

Afina gave Raquel a disgusted expression with a joking gag. "He isn't my type." Afina wipes down the countertop she and Raquel stood behind, taking away all of the milk and juice drops woth scattered crumbs. "Besides, this is his third chic this month,"

"No way." Raquel said, getting a good view of Casey and his date at the table. "Imagine all of those STDs..."

"Rocky!" Afina giggled, playfully slapping her friend's hip with her rag. "Casey is just a friend."

"Friends don't give other friends the 'do-me' eyes." Raquel bumped Afina's hip.

"Pfft!" The other girl rolled her eyes.

"Order up!" The chef called from the kitchen, setting a plate of pancakes and scrambled eggs down on the counter. Afina takes the plate from the and is on her to deliver the dish to Table 1. After setting the plate down in front of her customer, she faced the clock on the wall and it read;


Afina lets out a quick sigh-- She'll be out of here a little after 2 o'clock. Just a little longer. She thought.

ℂ𝕠𝕓𝕒𝕝𝕥 & ℂ𝕣𝕚𝕞𝕤𝕠𝕟 ❪✘❫ 𝑁𝑂𝑇 𝐶𝑂𝑀𝑃𝐿𝐸𝑇𝐸𝐷Where stories live. Discover now